Orion, gotta tell you a funny story ...
This is a bit unusual & may seem odd to some but is 100% true.
When I was in the Air Force (based at HQ Operational Command (for the country), I went to night school (was working on Uni entrance). At this night school we had a history teacher that I and one other AirForce attendee got on really well with (my later graduation major & highest mark in any subject was in modern history).
Anyway, It turns out this teacher *was* a card carrying member of the Communist party. Not only that but he would spend quite a bit of time in presenting communist literature & ideas & he especially honed in on us 2 Airforce attendess (was a civilian night-school but recom by Air Force).
Now this is where it gets bizarre. The guy I attended with was a bit wierd, he was completely taken by this teacher & started doing drawings showing the president of the US operating puppet strings connected to the PM of Australia & he left these drawings prominently on display above his bed during CO inspections. After a while, the internal security people of the Air Force began to visit him & asked him why he left such drawings so obviously on display. His reply was "They are an accurate depiction of the relationship".
This went on for months with more visits & more questions all the while we kept attending history together & being taught by a 'communist'.
Then one day, the civillian teacher got fired, Mr classmate Bob Fury, was discharged from the Airforce & I was given 12 months leave without pay to complete my studies full time & then later sent to officers training school. Fucked if I know what to make of it all but like I said, it was bizarre but 100% true.
By the way this all happened in 1965.
Just want to add that during my later full time studies, my history teacher (I was her class fav) appeared on national TV in a history quiz & went all the way thru to winning the top prize. The only other person I know who did so well on this smae quiz show, was a guy who was also a history teacher but who later became an federal Member of Parliment & then even later president of the Labour Party of Australia (his name was Barry Jones).
So maybe the moral is, a little bit of communism from a history teacher can go a long way ???
Doug Marker
About Barry Jones & his fame on 'Pick-a-box' quiz [link|http://bdb.co.za/shackle/articles/barryjones.htm|http://bdb.co.za/sha...es/barryjones.htm]
Am trying to track down my former history teacher's chievements on the same quiz show.

Edited by
Feb. 28, 2003, 05:14:37 AM EST

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March 1, 2003, 06:12:44 AM EST