I don't think it has fully sunk in yet -
That the USofA has suffered an ignominious coup -- just like the banana republics we are always so contemptuous of. Enough data is in -now- to begin the forensics in earnest -- and remember, You Were There, in FL:
When the mysterious roadblocks, etc. intended-to and did - prevent 'voters of low status' getting to the polls. The collusion of the whole state apparatus (of the brother of the candidate), the Repub demonstrators hammering on the walls where ballot inspections were occurring (unmolested by Your Local Police)
yada yada.
Eventually though, even more will be pieced together - it's a mine of info waiting to be ordered into knowledge and thence: into the MMO for a coup. This is separate from the events done by 5 of the USSC. The motives of both groups may be similar, but The Vote was the crux - for there to be an issue for the second group at all.
So, until this process takes a final form, the Guy+handlers intent upon launching this war in the tinder box of all tinder boxes -- is unworthy of the respect due an elected Executive in a Republic.