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New I think polls have a lot to do with intent

If for example,

1) If I am an organisation wanting to gage the views of people on specific issues, products, concerns

2) I am 'in power' and thru a 'tame' or predominantly 'r/l wing' press am feeding propaganda/hysteria to the 'people' prior to wanting to carry out an action many might choke on, I would be very interested in a 'litmus test' of how much my propganda was being sucked in by the populace. Do I need to refine the message, do I need to focus on specific hot buttons, do I need to create a more bogeymen etc:, etc:. I could of course request distorted polls & use these to feed the mood I seek to create.

A well known history professor has written tomes on modern media and the ability of governemnts to 'manufacture opinion'. Many people believe that this art is reaching a new zenith. In recent history we had Herr gobbels cited as the penultimate manipulator of public opinion.

If we agree that polls in politics are barely worth the ink on the paper, I would tend to agree. Reason is that on matters of politics, the polls themselves unless conducted by a third party with no identifiable bias, can still at best only provide a 'litmus test' of the current emotional climate on the hot political issue dujour.


Doug Marker
New penultima thule
In recent history we had Herr gobbels cited as the penultimate manipulator of public opinion.

Would that it were true. You will almost always muddy your meaning by using "penultimate" as though it carried the meaning of "ultimate" on steroids, since it actually means "next-to-last."

"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New Merci mon ami - will note that <g>
     There appears to be over reliance on polls here - (boxley) - (29)
         What part of "propaganda" do you have trouble understanding? -NT - (Brandioch) - (11)
             what part of the post I made are you refering to? - (boxley) - (9)
                 Do you understand what "propaganda" is? - (Brandioch) - (8)
                     do you read my posts or just start typing like a maniac? - (boxley) - (7)
                         Item by item. - (Brandioch) - (6)
                             like someone else said around here - (boxley) - (5)
                                 But you can prove a positive. - (Brandioch) - (4)
                                     What does bigfoot have to do with my wanted to get sadaam - (boxley) - (3)
                                         The question is "why"? - (Brandioch) - (2)
                                             May horsesh*t appear in your wheaties bowl - (boxley) - (1)
                                                 I believe the term is "whatever". - (Brandioch)
             Viscerally? (so much Gun-Fun, that) - All of it. -NT - (Ashton)
         I think polls have a lot to do with intent - (dmarker) - (2)
             penultima thule - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 Merci mon ami - will note that <g> -NT - (dmarker)
         Re: There appears to be over reliance on polls here - (rcareaga) - (13)
             Thank you, and If it hadnt of been for people like you - (boxley)
             Here is a wonderful poll that illustrates - (boxley) - (7)
                 Bill, yet again responds with an unrelated issue that proves - (dmarker) - (6)
                     So polls are to be followed only when Doug agrees with them? - (boxley) - (5)
                         WTF has poll on palestine to do with this thread ??? -NT - (dmarker) - (4)
                             read to top post of the thread for subject matter - (boxley) - (2)
                                 "I posted a poll he could not blindly follow" - (rcareaga) - (1)
                                     this thread started off with clintons, not ended there - (boxley)
                             Nothing. - (Brandioch)
             sorry lad, the response would have been different - (boxley) - (3)
                 Believe what you say; never mind the polls -- - (Ashton) - (2)
                     sometimes ya gotta use the troglodytes yer dealt with - (boxley) - (1)
                         I don't think it has fully sunk in yet - - (Ashton)

I enjoy this motorcade and will recommend it to my niece.
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