I truly apologize to you and the group for the "hit and run" I pulled yesterday (and probably today). I am coordinating a data center move, yadayada...
My only point, two days ago I went to an orthopedic to schedule surgery on my knee. I had to wait two hours to see him. Two of his fellow doctors were called up that morning (active duty) and had two days to show up. When the gov activates these dudes, it means a couple of weeks... No doubt. I saw this passion play unfold and the US government scripted this months ago and have not deviated one ion from their script.
Gentlemen, we are going to war. I have never accepted the theory of a "just" war, as war is simply war and the "justness" determined for centuries to come... Were the Romans "just" in taking Egypt? yadayada yada... At this point, I am going to take a stance behind the men in the military and not give them any grey area to come home to. My personal beliefs are almost irrelevent.
I watched a bunch of self serving hedonistic hippycrits call my brother a baby killer, adfuckinghominemnauseum, for serving in Viet Nam. Most of these self serving hedonistic hippycrits are now in the government. Just as the sons of bitches that went to college instead of WWII served up Viet Nam to my brother's generation, just as the self serving hedonistic sons of bitches that went to college and avoided WWI served up WWII to them... See a pattern. Chicken Hawks? "Just" wars? Then there's the poor soldiers that actually fight these things.
I'm not going to add insult to injury to the kids currently serving. YMMV... It's a free country, you're just as entitled to your opinion.