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New Any ideas ? -since installing 10.2 can't seem to boot CDs ?
I found that to ensure CD boot, I remove the power lead (run of battery) - then power up or restart - as Soon as I hear chime - hold C key down until grey screen & little mac icon appear. That seems to ensure a CD boot


Had made the decision (at Wife's request) to go back to 9.1 (hopefully then upgrade it to 9.2.2).

I tried booting from the 9.1 install software CD but 10.2 came - up

Tried 9.2.2 disk I have - same thing

Tried booting the restore CD (the ones I used a couple of days back) same thing

The CDs read OK when 10.2 comes up.

The way I boot is to Hold C key down & power on the iBook

I also try Power on & as soon as chime sounds hold down C key until stopped

(in desperation have tried D key (primary part boot key)).

Not sure what 10,2 may have done ???


Expand Edited by dmarker Dec. 26, 2002, 12:25:27 AM EST
New Re: Any ideas ? -since installing 10.2 can't seem to boot CD
Sounds like it has locked the hard drive from installing 9.X over it. You may have to get a MacOS 9.X floppy boot disk and then just reformat the hard drive and then reinstall 9.X or use the floppy boot disk to start the 9.X install. I hope you didn't convert the file system over to something that MacOS 9.X can't work with?

Also maybe [link|http://www.tsmacs.org/cgi-bin/ikonboard/topic.cgi?forum=16&topic=39|This thread] can help you figure out how to go back to the previous version and finally boot that CD off of your Mac.

Going back to Windows 98 or ME from Windows XP Pro is a bit of a pain as well, I had to reformat my hard drive on the PC because XP Pro turned my VFAT32 partition into a NTFS32 partition. Nasty. But at least the PC allowed me to boot any CD I wanted to, including Linux and others.

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Expand Edited by orion Dec. 26, 2002, 01:19:38 AM EST
New After days of brickwalls - back to 9.1/10.0 - it works ...

Haven't given up on going to

9.2.2/10.2.x But it won't be anytime soon. Wife is willing to accept 10.0 + Classic


New You can always go to 9.2 with 10.0
Boot into 9 when you upgrade it - don't try to upgrade from the classic environment.

When installing 10.2 - put it on its own partition, and select either "wipe" or "archive and install".

I am out of the country for the duration of the Bush administration.
Please leave a message and I'll get back to you when democracy returns.
New Re: You can always go to 9.2 with 10.0

I tried something like this but couldn't get the partition created.

I would appreciate a more detailed step-by-step on how to put 9.2 in from 10.0 I spent at least 1.5 days trying to achieve this. I have 9.21 & 9.2.2 on a non-bootable CD. I have 9.1 on a boot able CD, I have 9.1/10.0 restore disks. I even tried downloading 9.2.1/9.2.2 & applying them from 10.0. The bit here I am not fully clear on is what you mean by partition. I take that to mean splitting the disk in 2 which may be a problem allowing for iys size.

One other issue - I only have a 9.5GB (10GB disk). I looked at changing the HD as I have a spare 20GB & 30GB one but after reading the steps to pull the machine apart (even though I was once an engineer) I wouldn't dare - again wife would kill me if I stuffed-up *her* computer.

Cheers Doug
(This is coming from Netscape 4.7 running under Classic under 10.0.4)

New Re: You can always go to 9.2 with 10.0
"I would appreciate a more detailed step-by-step on how to put 9.2 in from 10.0 I spent at least 1.5 days trying to achieve this. I have 9.21 & 9.2.2 on a non-bootable CD. I have 9.1 on a boot able CD, I have 9.1/10.0 restore disks. I even tried downloading 9.2.1/9.2.2 & applying them from 10.0. The bit here I am not fully clear on is what you mean by partition. I take that to mean splitting the disk in 2 which may be a problem allowing for iys size."

You don't need much size for the OS 9 partition - Mine is less than 1.5G. The only thing you are going to put on it is the OS 9 system. On my first WallStreet class laptop I only had a 6G partition - 2 went to OS 9, 4 to OS X - it was OK.

OK - here's my standard OS X install procedure.

1) Backup all personal data. Really do it - because you're going to wipe the disks. Partitioning requires that you wipe the disks. This sucks. But thats life. A borrowed firewire drive is a helpful thing here.

2) Insert latest 10.2 install CD and fire up Disk Utilities. Select the disk drive that is your internal disk - and somewhere or other there is a menu item "Customize" or something like that - I can't remember - but eventually you get this little graphical display that lets you drag lines in a big rectangle to set partition sizes. I make the first partition OSX and the second one OS 9. Be sure the drag the bottom of the lowest box down as far as you can or you'll end up with a chunk of unusable space on your disk. Why this is possible I have no idea. For both volumes, select HFS+ (maybe called MacOS Extended or something) as your format.

3) Click initialize and your disk will be destroyed and recreated like a Phoenix. Exit Disk Utilities.

4) On your rather lame OS 9 Boot Disk Finder desktop you should now see two hard disks with confusing names like Untitled1 and Untitled2. Immediately do a get info on them and rename the smaller something like OS 9 or Classic (what I use) and the other whatever you like (mine is the very imaginative OS X).

5) Install OS 9.2.mumble on the Classic disk. From now on, when upgrading this (9) OS - you should go to SystemDisk Control Panel and boot into this drive. Then upgrade/install/whatever.

6) Insert OS X disk and do a "Reformat and Install" on the OS X disk with OS X 10.2.

7) Optional - Install dev tools on OS X.

I've never tried having both OS's on one volume and I've not had any troubles. I have had many issues trying to keep multiple System Folders around under classic OS and I don't think making one of those systems OS X is likely to help matters any.

Disclaimer - this whole procedure takes about half a day.
I am out of the country for the duration of the Bush administration.
Please leave a message and I'll get back to you when democracy returns.
New Followed all but 1 step

The one where you say install 9.2.

From Apple I have 9.2.1 & 9.2.2 The instructions are to install the first then update it with the second. The problem I have is how do I get 9.2.1 onto a CD that is itself bootable.

I have the above on a CD but in order to see it I have to *install* 9.1 ! and this has been one of my dilemas.

Today I thought I would try putting 9.2.1 on a Sony Memory stick - booting the 9.1 CD - partitioning the disk as you have advised (I have done that step once ok so am confident to repeat it). Then rather than installing the OS from the 9.1 CD would install 9.2.1 from the mem stick (under normal circumstances I can 'see' the memstick ok - am assuming the CD based OS will see it as well).

I havn't got a firewire disk but do have 2 USB 30GB dirves but these are not seen by MAC OS unless I install thedrivers & these came on a Windows diskette but it is a catch-22 - I have to install an OS, to install the drivers, to install the 9.2.1 OS.

Will advise back if I can resolve this.



New Progress report - folloing your approach

Stage 1 - I copied the 9.2.1 Upgrade onto Memstick - booted from Orinal 9.1 Install disk & sure enough it could see memstick. Trying to run upgr failed as usual with can't install over localized copy of 9.1. So I wiped disk clean. Created 2 partitions installed 9.1 on the smaller. & tried upgrading to 9.2.1 *immediately after fresh install of 9.1 on new disk - same as usual - can't install.
I tried another copy of 9.2.1 - same. So decided to leave 9.1 & move on to installing OS X 10.2 on the 2nd partition. 9.1 is installed & working.

1. Split the disk into 3.5GB HD-OS 9 & 6GB HD-OS X
New Just a thought

When I accidentally blew away my OS 9 System Folder on my TiBook, I copied over the System Folder from my G4 Tower and it worked just fine.

I've also seen instances where you copy the System Folder off of an install CD and it seems to work. (any additional hardware drivers can be installed later.)

Tom Sinclair

"Everybody is someone else's weirdo."
- E. Dijkstra
New Thanks to y'all - Now am cooking with gas ...

Have 9.1 installed & everything working better than ever

in sep part

10.2 upgraded to 10.2.3 & everything working as ever I could hope for - don't even need Cllassic now.

iMove is *brilliant* is easier to use than my RaptorDV + ADobe Premier 6.5 gig on my big Win P4. Both iMovies work (they wouldn't before).

Well twas a lot of pain but I now have a lot more confidence in sorting out my wife's problems on her Apple & I *will* be making my next notebook a Titanium - ( even just for iMove).

Cheers & thanks

Doug (PS I also registered with Apple support & asked the Q re 9.1 upgrade)

New Apple Support say that the reason for the error mesg is ....

that the two versions don't match - different languages. But - that was the 1st thing I thought of and I checked that (as mentioed way back).

I suspect there may be an installer bug - I will try setting my location to somewhere else (like Australia) rather than HK & see if that is related to the problem.

It seems there is an internal code in Mac OS (i.e. D1 = German, Z1=International English)

I may get to the bottom of that yet - but in the meantime I am at last happy with the set up as is.


New Glad to hear it...
Sometimes keeping things seperate is a good thing.

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     In deep s*** - need help !!! - upgraded wife's iBook OS9.1 X - (dmarker) - (33)
         A couple of questions - (tjsinclair) - (29)
             Re: Today I am a *lot* happier - even excited about OS X - (dmarker) - (28)
                 Good to hear! - (tjsinclair) - (27)
                     Now have configured Classic for auto start - (dmarker) - (26)
                         /icon->apps->utilities->terminal, pull pud in joy! -NT - (boxley) - (25)
                             Make sure you get the Developer tools - (tjsinclair) - (24)
                                 NOW I AM REALLY PISSED OFF !!!!@ - (dmarker) - (23)
                                     Now, calm down - (tjsinclair) - (22)
                                         Re: Now, calm down - Thanks for the soothing words <grin> - (dmarker) - (21)
                                             Smack - head first into brick wall - have bloody nose - (dmarker) - (20)
                                                 Yeesh - (tjsinclair) - (19)
                                                     Out of pure frustration am starting from scratch - (dmarker) - (18)
                                                         Brickwalls to the left o me, brickwalls to the right, ... - (dmarker) - (17)
                                                             Being a downright persistent sob - I wiped disk & did 10.2 - (dmarker) - (16)
                                                                 Yikes -- Hope you have better luck -NT - (tjsinclair)
                                                                 Must agree upgrade to 10.2 was a little rocky - (tuberculosis) - (14)
                                                                     Have you considered just going straight to 10.2? - (tjsinclair) - (13)
                                                                         10.2 Up and running - I stupidly tried then to install 9.2.1 - (dmarker) - (12)
                                                                             Any ideas ? -since installing 10.2 can't seem to boot CDs ? - (dmarker) - (11)
                                                                                 Re: Any ideas ? -since installing 10.2 can't seem to boot CD - (orion) - (10)
                                                                                     After days of brickwalls - back to 9.1/10.0 - it works ... - (dmarker) - (9)
                                                                                         You can always go to 9.2 with 10.0 - (tuberculosis) - (8)
                                                                                             Re: You can always go to 9.2 with 10.0 - (dmarker) - (7)
                                                                                                 Re: You can always go to 9.2 with 10.0 - (tuberculosis) - (6)
                                                                                                     Followed all but 1 step - (dmarker)
                                                                                                     Progress report - folloing your approach - (dmarker2) - (4)
                                                                                                         Just a thought - (tjsinclair) - (3)
                                                                                                             Thanks to y'all - Now am cooking with gas ... - (dmarker)
                                                                                                             Apple Support say that the reason for the error mesg is .... - (dmarker) - (1)
                                                                                                                 Glad to hear it... - (folkert)
         Re: In deep s*** - need help !!! - upgraded wife's iBook OS9 - (molbdron) - (2)
             Mark!!!! - (folkert) - (1)
                 Re: Mark!!!! - (molbdron)

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