Or Libertarian.
I guess it depends upon where you stand.
I believe that the individual should have all the rights contained in our Constitution (and more).
But these rights mean that the individual has responsibilities to society (city, state, nation).
I believe that everyone should have the same rights. Right up until they break the law.
I believe that all laws that do not SPECIFICALLY deal with protecting people or property should be abolished.
That includes the "war on drugs". You should be able to purchase any drug you want for home consumption. I assume that everyone is a responsible adult.
But, if you are convicted of a crime while under the influence, you will complete a de-tox program and treatment. You will also lose the right to own a weapon for 10 years. Because I can be convinced that certain individuals are not responsible adults.
And so forth.
Fewer laws, more rights.
A mechanism for removing the problem cases from society.