Post #63,477
11/17/02 8:15:26 PM

yes virginioch there is good and evil
I have looked into the gace of pure evil up close and personal and it is as banal and stupid as it is ugly. I have seen the face of truly good and a light shines from it. many times ethics are situational but do not mistake that for there being no true evil. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,481
11/17/02 8:39:28 PM
11/17/02 8:41:14 PM

Vallient job, box
trying to preach to those who have minds but don't use them.

Edited by wharris2
Nov. 17, 2002, 08:41:14 PM EST
Post #63,485
11/17/02 9:00:04 PM

Can you give more details?
Or send me a picture of evil?
Post #63,487
11/17/02 9:18:31 PM

have a f2f with chuck
visit your local crackhouse, most will be just poor deranged creatures but one or two will not, look for it and you will find it. For good, visit St. Sunrises over the Mountain in Providence Nursing home in Anchorage. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,506
11/18/02 12:05:41 AM

That is "evil"?
A crackhead is "evil"? I have looked into the gace of pure evil up close and personal and it is as banal and stupid as it is ugly. So, give them enough crack, food, TV and a warm place to sleep and they will happily rot their remaining years. This is "evil"? I will agree with the banal and stupid and ugly. I'd also include self-absorbed and self-destructive. But "evil"? Give them enough crack and they'll skip eating & drinking and vacate this realm even quicker. Sorry, but I don't see drug addicts as "evil". I'll check out the nursing home next time I'm in Anchorage. Anyone / Anything I should ask for in particular?
Post #63,570
11/18/02 10:57:28 AM

re-read my post
I didnt say all of the crackheads were evil and agree with all of your points about the ones that arnt evil. If you visit a lot of crack houses it will only be a matter of time before you will see true evil. Just ask for the name I gave you at the front desk, they know who he is. And how come no comment about chuck? thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,578
11/18/02 11:21:12 AM

Who's Chuck?
I've seen a lot of addicts.
But I've never seen any of them that I would describe as "evil".
Again, they're addicts.
Supply them with enough of their drugs and they will happily end their own lives. They are banal, venal, and most of all, sad.
The worst ones are no more "evil" than a rabid dog.
Post #63,588
11/18/02 11:48:04 AM

"chuck don surf" chuck aka charles manson evil guarrantied
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,594
11/18/02 11:57:48 AM

Manson is insane, deranged, nuts, mentally incompetant, etc.
But "evil"?
Again, he is no more "evil" than a rabid dog is "evil".
If he was released, he'd have trouble buying groceries. The only reason he's still alive is that the state keeps him in a controlled environment.
And our own "Green River Killer" has a higher body count, if you're going by murders.
Post #63,596
11/18/02 12:03:38 PM

none of the above chuck is entirely sane
not deranged at all(holds a clear rating) mentaly incompetant? His writings are clear and concise, well designeed to get the effect he desires. If let out of jail he would not have trouble adjusting if he wasnt killed by an aggreived family member of one of his victims. Much more dangerous than a rabid dog who snaps at everything. The man is "Evil" your wishing away that he is not doesnt change anything. By your description of him it is obvious your knowledge is cursory. Look into it if you are interested. thanx, Bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,607
11/18/02 12:47:07 PM

I've seen him in interviews.
He does not appear to be "sane" in the interviews I have seen.
Look for the phrase "paranoid delusional".
Post #63,622
11/18/02 2:32:04 PM

INMATE MANSON: Nine black Muslims and three Mexicans signed a writ that said I was Jesus Christ. Is that reality to you as well?
PRESIDING BOARD COMMISSIONER KOENIG: I didn't read that in the Board report.
INMATE MANSON: Oh, well it's in the record. and you couldnt figure out he was fucking with them? Is that real to you as well? thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,642
11/18/02 3:50:46 PM

You said he was EVIL.
Okay, so assume he's fucking with the board.
The board that will decide to release him or keep him in prison.
So the board decided to NOT parole him.
So he stayed in prison.
The evil decided upon a course of action that resulted in its continuing incarceration.
The evil decided upon a course of action that ensured it would not harm society.
The evil chose society's safety over its freedom.
Okay, maybe I'm not clear on what "evil" is.
But that does seem to fit the definition for "insane". He is incapable of realizing the situation and acting appropriately.
Post #63,645
11/18/02 3:54:15 PM

okay, now explain why Herr Hitler was not evil
Its fun watching you turn inside out to stretch into your weejums :-) thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,648
11/18/02 4:03:11 PM

There are only 6 billion people in the world?
Okay, we've finished with Manson, right?
That only leave 5,999,999,999 to go.
You said that YOU had MET evil. That EVIL does EXIST.
I said that evil does not exist.
Your examples, so far have been drug addiction and insanity.
You were wrong about Manson's psychiatric rating, you were wrong about Manson's verbal skills.
So, now we have to dissect Hitler.
Can we just skip the case-by-case analysis and skip to the final example of "evil"?
I'd rather not right-shift this any more than necessary.
Post #63,657
11/18/02 4:28:32 PM

lets go ---> you were entirely wrong about Manson
first you made off the cuff remarks that showed you do not have in depth knowledge of the subject. Vince Bugliousi was the prosecutor and his take is that chuck is entirely sane and he spent 4 years of his life on that case. If you think that Vince with his "personal" knowledge of manson is wrong and you are right, you need the assistance of the professionals as much as you think mr mansun does. I said I have met evil and looked it in the face, you ascribe that it is not possible. Either you are confused or I am. Or you havnt seen anything you would ascribe as evil yet. Since you have no experience and I "claim" I have it leaves somewhat of an impass. So we can either right shift unti BP gets back or go squabble about something else. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,660
11/18/02 4:45:53 PM

Vince Bugliousi was the prosecutor and his take is that chuck is entirely sane and he spent 4 years of his life on that case. Yes. And Vince was the prosecutor. Prosecutor. Like in "District Attourney". Not a psychologist? No. [link||Vince] So, Vince wants Manson sane so Manson does not get off on an insanity plea. Just reading the transcript I posted earlier should be enough to show you that Manson's not sane. If you think that Vince with his "personal" knowledge of manson is wrong and you are right, you need the assistance of the professionals as much as you think mr mansun does. Again, Vince is NOT a trained psychologist or psychiatrist. Only those are qualified to say whether Manson is sane or not. I said I have met evil and looked it in the face, you ascribe that it is not possible. That is true. Either you are confused or I am. Possibly. But then I don't believe that drug addiction or insanity are "evil". Or you havnt seen anything you would ascribe as evil yet. Well, if I had, then I probably wouldn't say that there isn't any evil, correct? Since you have no experience and I "claim" I have it leaves somewhat of an impass. Unless you can provide an example that can be verified. So we can either right shift unti BP gets back or go squabble about something else. I'm tired of right shift. I'll drop this here.
Post #63,666
11/18/02 7:22:06 PM

deal ^oo^
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,667
11/18/02 7:23:11 PM

"Just reading the transcript I posted earlier should be enough to show you that Manson's not sane". ... "Again, Vince is NOT a trained psychologist or psychiatrist. Only those are qualified to say whether Manson is sane or not".
You should probably space assertions like that a bit further apart in future posts.
-- Chris Altmann
Post #63,671
11/18/02 7:57:57 PM

You didn't need me.
You were born...and so you're Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson
Post #63,689
11/18/02 9:21:19 PM

Evil as you describe it just the "unredeemable" soul that was discussed elsewhere.
Post #63,710
11/18/02 10:57:25 PM

beg to disagree
an unreedemable soul is not evil as there is no such thing, evil is a calculated choice by an entity that sublimates the soul of a human or acts independently of human essence. Elementals are not evil per se as they do not have capacity for processing thought. Demons are another matter, they are evil as a matter of choice and in every case will choose that which brings chaos and harm to humans and the astral. Human evil is a soul that has turned itself to evil deliberately and with forethought and much meditation and intention to do evil. Are they unreedeemable souls? No. Is it likely they will be redeemed? Probably not but there has been a few cases where that has happened. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,736
11/19/02 3:42:21 AM

Judeo- the Christian form of martial arts,
has brought into the language these concepts. Psychology, a wannabe-science - but at least one based on observation - has another kind of model. And most any shrink or other observer of our-type animals will say: No One.. ever believes self to be evil!
'Evil' is a religio-word as are demons, incubii, succubi etc. [Nasty Words whose superstitious overtones led to lots of tortured children and older, in Salem and elsewhere] Just as Old Nick, Satan, Beelzebub.. stories of fallen angels yada yada have mesmerized folks. Just as 'things which go bump in the night' generated those images from the state of our fear of the unknown. We come equipped with a vivid imagination.
You imagine there's anything New today re the above processes? Transistors can make the internal fearfulness of the I Don't Know's just.. go away silently?
A Hitler will tell you that the 'steps' he took were for the (cosmically) Correct placement of \ufffdbermensch into ruling positions over lower; lesser beings. These Supermen, aided by eugenics (phrenology and other imaginined 'science' too) - would be an Improved Species\ufffd. As you are doubtless aware, ensconced in Castle W___ (too lazy to look it up) were *His* versions of the baggage of a couple millennia of Demonologies, only his choice was to enshrine Erda and other Teutonic fantasies instead of Christian ones. Difference? Only in the attributes and names: in every case inventions of human minds. QED
Evil? depends upon the scale of "doing Good" one looks at.. in this "world of dualisms" and the umm collateral damage on that Great Undertaking. Evil.. to seek progress? Which entity shall judge?
(We see that "collateral damage" is alive and well as YAN throwaway-line in 2002. Hmmm.)
Mad then? That returns us to the pseudo-science of determining basic functional error in the mind/brain - a machinelike synergy only occasionally visited by that (too readily attributed): Original Thought. (We have to try for some model like this - but we need not imagine that the model is more than a crude approximation of our physical and metaphysical 'being'.)
Sorry but.. my view is that our sordid history of fright-derived 'entities' and concepts like 'Evil' - which we associate with the behaviour of some of these phantasms: has done and always shall lead to endless succession of warring 'herders of different-named fantasies'.
No change in sight, until we are done with the toys of childhood and recognize that WE must construct societies whose laws and mores tend to promote "good behaviour" towards sentient animals and respect.. for the others. Ditto laws and mores which provide deterrence and finally punishment or incarceration for "bad behaviour". (Killing off the defectives - merely devalues the above societal intent to foster respect. It's hypocritical and it doesn't deter 'badness', we have noticed. States killing people is .. rilly a stupid way of teaching 'goodness')
We don't need a Demonology to accomplish this - we merely need to grow up. And along the way: lose the freight (and the fright) of our primitive period.
Ashton not holding breath
PS - Manson? I don't care what you want to call him or attribute his behaviour to: keep a wall between him and the rest of the zoo. It's the best we can do, ignorant as we are. He's where he belongs. We got that one right. It happens.
Post #63,829
11/19/02 2:34:27 PM

"Evil" and "Good" are magical incantations.
Evil? depends upon the scale of "doing Good" one looks at.. in this "world of dualisms" and the umm collateral damage on that Great Undertaking. Evil.. to seek progress? Which entity shall judge? I'd agree. Sorry but.. my view is that our sordid history of fright-derived 'entities' and concepts like 'Evil' - which we associate with the behaviour of some of these phantasms: has done and always shall lead to endless succession of warring 'herders of different-named fantasies'. Again, I'd agree. No change in sight, until we are done with the toys of childhood and recognize that WE must construct societies whose laws and mores tend to promote "good behaviour" towards sentient animals and respect.. for the others. Ditto laws and mores which provide deterrence and finally punishment or incarceration for "bad behaviour". (Killing off the defectives - merely devalues the above societal intent to foster respect. It's hypocritical and it doesn't deter 'badness', we have noticed. States killing people is .. rilly a stupid way of teaching 'goodness') Step #1. Determine what is "good". That is, determine what the basic values, mores, etc will be. Step #2. Determine what is "bad". That is, determine what the taboos and such are. Be able to express these in societal context. We don't need a Demonology to accomplish this - we merely need to grow up. And along the way: lose the freight (and the fright) of our primitive period. :) If I may borrow your phrase, no one thinks of themselves as "immature" or "primative" or "superstitious". We also need to realize that society is NOT something layered upon a group of people. Society IS that group of people. The same thing with politics. Society and politics are BOTH derived from the group. Which was the point of my posting on Fascism. Deconstruct society and the laws and the politics and you get...... The individual. Determine WHAT it is in the individual that results in various societies and political systems and so forth. We don't need magical terms like "good" or "evil" for this. This is nothing more or less than the INDIVIDUAL's value system in practice. When someone's value system clashes with your value system, then that person is "evil". On the other hand, when your value system clashes with the other person's value system, then you are "evil". When his value system supports your value system, he is "good". etc. Now, since it is very unlikely that both value systems are complete opposites......... In fact, the value system of "whatever I want, I should have" usually leads to conflict AMONGST PEOPLE WITH THE EXACT SAME VALUE SYSTEM.
Post #63,865
11/19/02 5:34:21 PM

Did you just define 'Rugged Induhvidualism' ?? [cackle]
In fact, the value system of "whatever I want, I should have" usually leads to conflict AMONGST PEOPLE WITH THE EXACT SAME VALUE SYSTEM. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. Cackle.. ..sometimes the Simple is not simplistic. Yup, there it be in a wacko-Nut-shell. The Brits have a briefer summary IIRC, I'm alright, Jack...I have a dream.. Someday we shall evolve to the stage wherein we shall be ready for self-Government. If.. we're here long enough. If. Ashton meanwhile it's the Ren & Stimpy Show writ large
Post #64,389
11/21/02 8:34:25 PM

Ash. you're fascinated by religion
I'm so happy I could scalp someone. Mark Twain
Post #64,436
11/22/02 12:16:05 AM

It's fundamental to aberrant homo-sap behaviour.
Post #64,390
11/21/02 8:46:16 PM

Now I know why you embrace anarchy
You chased all the order over to good vs. evil.
Evil, if it is real, will have a form and a substance. Example: The usual model is spirit in body, which is lame. More like, *I* am a thing with a soul and a body, but in myself different from either. I am a bridge. And so two things are completed by a third.
A thing can have a form but no substance (a triangle) or a substance without form (eternity) but it isn't real unless experience reveals the opposite, and the two ideas live in your mind at once in a sort of superposition. That is the same thing as the bridge between body and spirit. The strange thing is, in a sense evil is an unawareness of the split between form and substance - the kind of awareness you get from the bridge. And so given the three part nature of all this, good is possible because it is aware of evil.
I'm so happy I could scalp someone. Mark Twain
Post #64,427
11/21/02 11:22:13 PM

nope. more simplistic
I have met people who upon first impression I have agonized whether to stop their heart right now, later events prove that I should have "perhaps" done so and suffered the consequences rather than let them keep breathing. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
I leave symbolism for symboltons, Carlin
Post #63,748
11/19/02 7:25:48 AM

You can't deal with Brandi, Box
Liberal left-wing commie pinkos never listen to reason. :=)
Post #63,858
11/19/02 4:31:05 PM

he's actually a conservative with sleeves
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,940
11/19/02 11:00:06 PM

Or anarchist.
Or Libertarian.
I guess it depends upon where you stand.
I believe that the individual should have all the rights contained in our Constitution (and more).
But these rights mean that the individual has responsibilities to society (city, state, nation).
I believe that everyone should have the same rights. Right up until they break the law.
I believe that all laws that do not SPECIFICALLY deal with protecting people or property should be abolished.
That includes the "war on drugs". You should be able to purchase any drug you want for home consumption. I assume that everyone is a responsible adult.
But, if you are convicted of a crime while under the influence, you will complete a de-tox program and treatment. You will also lose the right to own a weapon for 10 years. Because I can be convinced that certain individuals are not responsible adults.
And so forth.
Fewer laws, more rights. A mechanism for removing the problem cases from society.
Post #63,954
11/20/02 12:07:49 AM

no yer not I am
I believe that everyone should have the same rights. Right up until they break the law. whose law your or mine. I dont recognise yours unless it fits mine But, if you are convicted of a crime while under the influence, you will complete a de-tox program and treatment. You will also lose the right to own a weapon for 10 years. Because I can be convinced that certain individuals are not responsible adults. A crime as defined by whom. If I cuss out someone in Michegan I am convicted of a crime and cannot own a weapon for 10 years? BS . Example, I piss on the sidewalk, that is a crime everywhere. I cant own a gun while I piss on the sidewalk again? WTF! I get into a barroom brawl(escalation) I am carrying a gun but just fistfight. I cannot own a weapon for 10 yrs? (weapon as defined in some jurisdictions asa owning a blade more than 2 inches long which means I have to GUM my food for 10years? thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #64,070
11/20/02 12:27:33 PM

That's it.
If you can't follow the law, you can't own a weapon. If I cuss out someone in Michegan I am convicted of a crime and cannot own a weapon for 10 years? BS . Hmmm, sounds like an anger control issue. Definately not someone I'd trust with a gun. Example, I piss on the sidewalk, that is a crime everywhere. I cant own a gun while I piss on the sidewalk again? WTF! Poor impulse control. Again, not someone I'd trust with a gun. I get into a barroom brawl(escalation) I am carrying a gun but just fistfight. I cannot own a weapon for 10 yrs? (weapon as defined in some jurisdictions asa owning a blade more than 2 inches long which means I have to GUM my food for 10years? Again, a demonstratable problem with anger control. Not a person I'd recommend own a weapon.
Post #64,080
11/20/02 1:35:00 PM

then you are not an anarchist but a conservative
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set] "Fifty-one percent of a nation can establish a totalitarian regime, suppress minorities and still remain democratic." Correction: All that can be achieved with 51 percent of the voters!" Ilanna Mercer
Post #63,873
11/19/02 6:05:36 PM

Yawn.. the plea of the unarmed in any conflict. Et tu?