...'coz that ain't what it's about (however shocking that may seem to you -- remember, I'm not an American, so I'm not conditioned to equate "Constitution" = "Right & Good", "UnConstitutional" = "Wrong & Bad"); in fact, I didn't even notice (not that I can remember now, anyway) your use of the term.

I was asking more, "would you have *anything* against it, if it weren't for the 'God' bit?".

I must confess I am a bit disappointed that this didn't seem to be the case -- I would have expected (such a staunch defender of American Values as) you to voice at least *some* of all the objections Ashton, SilverDon, Brandioch, and, above all, InThane have voiced.

Fuck, even from (or perhaps precisely *because* I am?) way off over here, I can clearly see that this is THE EXACT OPPOSITE of "ALL THAT AMERICA IS (SUPPOSED TO BE!) ABOUT".

Oh, and to reply to what you *did* say -- as opposed to all of the above, which is more about what you *didn't* -- Ashton is of course right that just because something -- be it just the letter of your Constitution, or the ideas and ideals *behind* it -- has been trampled underfoot for a long time, is no reason to think that being trampled underfoot is good for it.