1) For the fact of a court adjudicated Answer: It is unConstitutional (no matter that the judge is instantly slandered and the usual doggerel ensues).

2) We have a loony AG, and that is the kind-word adjective. He has an (now Obv) agenda - and is Not disciplined by his peers-in-Power.

3) God-words were bandied about to an unprecedented degree in recent elections. Our CIEIO is fond of sprinkling them into the most improbable sentences. Pure religious pandering for 'effect'. Bad in a National-CIEIO at any time.

4) We are all ready to invade another country, first-strike: and while it has zippo to do with our putative (now almost forgotten) ID'd ENEMY ("Al-Q" and whateverhappenedto Our #1 Target we were gonnahuntdown no matter what?) 'GOD' by-any-Other-name, and Her claimed plans for >opposing< groups: figures prominently in all the bellicose matters now underway. Employing Her Name in like manner - neither soothes the troubled waters nor indicates superior intelligence. 'Crusade' - use of just that word - indicates the importance of such words, especially when STUPIDLY used.

5) A long-standing affront (to the basic secular 'contract' of the Republic) -- has no expiry date for redress. Never mind the direct affront to: the millions who deem God-words (especially politically self-serving God-words) akin to other superstitions of the past. The agnostic view is the only possible 'view' of this phenom: if you are speaking for A Country!, IMhO.

Are these enough 'reasons' for Why? Now? [or.. at all]
