Seoul is a few miles from the DMZ and that Korea's gigantic new international airport is even closer.
I thought the report was very funny.
Cheers Doug
Just wanted to add that the new international airport is at In'chon - for anyone who wants to understand the significance of In'chon & your daddy is too young to tell you, go to the following link - In'chon was what made McArthur so brilliant (that is, up to the point he wanted to do a Rumz & nuke China - baaaad move (just as Rumz's was))
[link||MacArthur's brilliant In'chon move]
Just had to add this gem - for years when I visited Japan (starting in 1980), I found myself being treated with incredible respect and friendliness, it really impressed me, I seemed to have doors opened to me that were quite amazing (can't go into details, would take too long & gets too personal), but after 15 years or so & after learning a lot about Japanese history, it dawned on me that due to a fluke of phonetics, I had landed on my feet, my name DOUGLAS MARKER, was so close to DOUGLAS McARTHUR that the Japs *loved* me (I also looked a bit like a young D McA <grin>) and that was why they treated me so well.
The Japs regard D McA as the greatest American that ever lived (he protected their emperor at a time other US forces wanted to hang him - he did so because he quickly understood the Japs & what was needed to keep them on side - an insight Bush-Cheney-Rumz-Wolf...-&PERL lack)) Today I work in a company (in China) that hired an Australian as CEO BUT is name is Mike Butcher & the locals hated him before they even met him (his name does not go well in Cantonese or Putongwha).
This goes to illustrate how in this part of the world *JUST LIKE in USA* if you look like Tom Cruise or your name sounds like Tom Kruse etc: you get loved until they learn the love is missplaced.
Bush translated into ??? doesn't go down well <grin>