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New I guess you missed MIB and
a great earlier flic (from whence the MIB take on this, IMhO) regarding the 'accuracy' of sightings in such er un-WSJ-like publications - guaranteeing that, like the Purloined Letter in plain sight.. well, you know.

Actually I don't find some of the headlines I've scanned on those, at check-out: to be of much lower probability than the stuff of current Admin [no not You, Scott] propaganda pitched to the same IQ-level of reader. Apparently Repos Know the Murican mob-psyche reel good, for being immersed in it 24/7.

(Transparent spin is always so icky.. especially when one notes how effective it still is)

forgot to renew my lifetime Star subscription - they keep sending The Congressional Record inside, and I missed the swap for months

New Transparent spin is one thing
True-blue fabrication is another.

McVeigh and company - well, there *is* some evidence there were other people involved.

The Iraq connection is, yes, at the moment a stretch.
     Iraq linked to Oklahoma City bombing? - (bluke) - (13)
         Unlikely to the Nth degree - (Simon_Jester) - (3)
             Why is it unlikely? The evidence was well available before - (boxley) - (1)
                 Yup. But I still don't believe it. - (Brandioch)
             Why? - (bluke)
         Not buying it - (Mike)
         Don't forget West Nile, Syphyllis, Cancer, auto wrecks AND.. - (mmoffitt) - (5)
             'I saw Bigfoot once.." ___and other homilies - (Ashton) - (4)
                 What about the aliens that raped my weedwhacker. - (bepatient) - (3)
                     you sure it was an alien? didnt happen in July did it? -NT - (boxley)
                     I guess you missed MIB and - (Ashton) - (1)
                         Transparent spin is one thing - (wharris2)
         Another article about this - (bluke) - (1)
             Re: I'd call it interesting but not spell binding ... - (dmarker)

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