Post #56,483
10/13/02 10:58:36 AM

Bad news
My SO and I are splitting. So far, all indications are that it's going to be quite acrimonious... she's threatening to take the kids to Scotland with her, and also pulling some dumb stunts here. Of course, the screaming is, shall we say, a given. Now, of course, I do understand that even if she took the kids there (she has dual citizenship: UK and CA) this doesn't mean that they'd stay there... both Canada and the UK take a pretty dim view of one parent taking off with the kids like that, but I just have to say that I have a hard time understanding why we can't just sit down and actually work out what's going to be best for the kids. Seeing as I: - Don't abuse them
- Don't abuse alchohol
- Want to make sure that they have the resources they need to make sure they prosper
I'm finding this whole thing rather frustrating At any rate, I'm sure that things are going to work out alright... it's just that "in the meantime" it's being absolutely no fun at all.
--\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n* Jack Troughton jake at *\r\n* [link||] [link|irc://|irc://] *\r\n* Laval Qu\ufffdbec Canada [link|news://|news://] *\r\n-------------------------------------------------------------------
Post #56,488
10/13/02 11:11:39 AM

Man my heart goes out to ya
my brother is/was going thru the same thing but is a little further down the road than you. It took as separation for them to be able to speak functionally to each other. In a year it will be better except for the finances, that always goes south. Look at the bright side you are only a short drive from St. Hillaire. thanx, bill
will work for cash and other incentives [link||skill set]
"Therefore, by objective standards, the leading managers of the U.S. economy...are collectively, clinically insane." Lyndon LaRouche
Post #56,490
10/13/02 11:20:13 AM

Best of luck
I have seen several people go through divorces, and they are no fun at all.
Even less when the lawyers get going...
Cheers, Ben
"Career politicians are inherently untrustworthy; if it spends its life buzzing around the outhouse, it\ufffds probably a fly." - [link||Walter Mead]
Post #56,495
10/13/02 11:31:17 AM

sorry to hear it
A friend of mine here is going through that. Wish you all the luck.
Darrell Spice, Jr.
[link||SpiceWare] - We don't do Windows, it's too much of a chore
Post #56,497
10/13/02 11:40:36 AM

Sorry Bro
Women - can't live with'em, can't shoot'em.
Unfortunately the guy almost always loses. But you're young yet, and you'll get through it, as will the kids.
Post #56,506
10/13/02 12:09:00 PM

:( Know what you're going through.
Take care.
Peter [link||Shill For Hire] [link||There is no K5 Cabal] [link||Blog]
Post #56,511
10/13/02 12:13:55 PM

No chance of repair?
Best of luck to you either way it goes.
"A civilian gang of thieving lobbyists for the military industrial complex is running the White House. If to be against them is considered unpatriotic -- Hell, then call me a traitor." -- Hunter S. Thompson
Post #56,514
10/13/02 12:19:48 PM

Sorry to hear it. Get a mediator to cool the rhetoric.
There should be agencies to help the process.
"In America, anybody can be president. That's one of the risks you take." -- Adlai Stevenson (1900-1965)
Post #56,546
10/13/02 5:04:36 PM

This man is my brother. My heart is full of his sorrow.
As it says in the book, sounds corny when a white guy says it... But true, nevertheless.
Christian R. Conrad Microsoft is a true reflection of Bill Gates' personality - the sleaziest, most unethical, ugliest little rat's ass the world has seen unto this time. -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #56,596
10/14/02 2:57:03 AM

Been there, done that...
...Have personal experience in this matter. Very sorry to hear that you're going down the same road. Whatever has gone on between you and your SO is water under the bridge at this point...You both should have the best interests of your kids in mind.
Best of luck, and hope it works out all around.
What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about? - Jimmy Buffett, June 20, 2002, Tinley Park
Post #56,597
10/14/02 3:18:40 AM

Been down this road, too.
My heart goes out to you and yours. Like Mike said, keep the kids first, everything else will work itself out. I know it sounds almost cliche, and it's all but impossible to feel that things might ever be normal, but it will.
Don't know if this matters to you or not, but I'm praying for you and your family.
----- Steve
Post #56,608
10/14/02 7:53:24 AM

Sorry to hear it. :( Good luck...
John. Busy lad.
Post #56,618
10/14/02 9:19:02 AM

Sorry to hear it
I'm sooooo thankful my ex and I didn't have any kids to argue over. Can't imagine what that would be like. Good luck.
=== Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link||Andrew Grygus]
Post #56,631
10/14/02 10:38:45 AM

Sorry to hear that.
Having been at the kid end of a split (mom/dad when I was 7-10 for the actual divorce, with aftermath going quite some time after that) I can say it's HELL on the kids. If you have a son, make sure you get at least 50/50 time with him - a lack of a strong father figure in my life really screwed me up for a bit.
Good luck, man.
End of world rescheduled for day after tomorrow. Something should probably be done. Please advise.
Post #56,790
10/14/02 9:09:01 PM

Terribly sorry for you and your kids.
In the main, as Holmes said, women are "not to be trusted. Not the best of them."
Post #56,898
10/15/02 8:15:19 AM

Been there too. It's not a nice place to be. As said by others, keep the kids in the "clear". They had nothing to do with it. Your SO is taking her anger/frustrations out on you through the kids.
Good luck. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Post #57,107
10/15/02 11:26:28 PM

Condolences. :-( Hang in there. Others said it better.