then you and I have different ideas about what intelligence means (never mind "IQ" - that's an outright hoax). Reagan was an *actor* (as all of us are of course, on the daily stage) -- but that's All he ever was; he never was a thinker and: it showed, quite long before the official Alzheimers diagnosis. Like Billy too, his 'innovation' was handed to him by others - on purely emotional judgments as always. IMhO.
Happened to hear a NPR rebroadcast tonight, Clinton's speech at [link|| UCB] ~2/02. This is the one in which (post-remarks) a questioner asked, "Why does the Right Wing hate you so much?" Clinton hesitated about 1 second: "Because I won." Obv. the audience [Roared] liked him a lot, but then, these are just academics and we all know how easily led They are ;-)
He expanded: referred to the Repub. long-term (successful) strategy of characterizing Democrats, Libertarians -anyone not Them- as "cardboard cutouts"; example named was Dukakis and the 'reverse plastic surgery' done on him. "They thought they owned the White House, that they should own it; no Democrat would ever be President again. I learned about this Big-Lie technique by watching my Rt-Wing Yahoo Gramma at work, fucking with language.. at an early age.
Pity that this link hasn't the full text of the speech and the Q&A -- and the extemporaneous wit, detail in actual English. You seem already to have forgotten his original 'policy wonk' sobriquet: he carried around in his head more relevant facts about US History, government orgs and their roles and policies -- and how these factoids often fit together -- than: *any* President, hell maybe any other *single* person ever with such power.
As to the frequent innuendo that he didn't Really.. give a shit about the very many world issues about rich/poor and the effects upon the US of our policies towards these; the paucity of our expenditures in 'foreign aid' VS those of other civilized countries - that calumny would have to be backed with more than random cynical slogans from folks just like my wacko Gramma.
Sorry Dan, but I think your filters missed the rest of the man. Hearing this speech and contrasting it with Dubya/Cheney and the Hawks and low-life lower echelons surrounding them (listed in more detail in a post above IIRC?) -- was a stark reminder of just How insouciant is our current Exec. branch, and how inarticulate / impoverished of original thought.
(BTW - in another aside he explained the nasty DC environment! Gave a balanced and sympathetic description of the demands on congresscritters: expected to read all the bills, give parties to attract people to quiz re those, fly home on weekends, and raise impossible amounts of $$ [natch it was about campaign finance reform NOW] -- said they are all sleep deprived.) I think he's spot-on. The patent nastiness cannot be missed, in any case.
Anyway, enough of this. Yes the system is broken horrifyingly: we are seeing just Now where that might lead next. It is, like the fav academic phrase about a submitted paper, so screwed up it's not even wrong.
I don't think 'we' have the interest, the brains-generally or the guts to repair it. Sorry you're young enough to have to put up with what I foresee. I put a mini-review (in Reviews, natch) of a book publ. in Paris early '39 = before Poland, by an ex-Nazi satrap from Danzig, Hermann Rauschning:
The Revolution of Nihilism: Warning to the West
Found this in a friend's bookcase a few weeks ago - a revelation (for me). It filled in lots of blanks. I feel that I now -finally- comprehend (!) what Hitler and the Nazis were about (at and Only at: just that inner circle - the rest were fed regular and abrupt 'changes of focus' as part of an actual program; the street was fed pure BS for an equally sinister but clear purpose, etc.)
Reread Sinclair Lewis's It can't Happen Here and the above, if you have the time - and you'll see why I deem the present Admin and its massive Corporate agenda to be a prelude to the permanent? / long-term de-Constitution of America. This unless a lot more spirit manifests strongly and soon. There are some utterly vicious ones in this mix. You don't have to literally goose-step, you know.
I think it not improbable that I shall be heading towards Canada in the foreseeable, if a few checkpoints are next passed. I'd like to be mistaken, but I believe dumbth IS rampant here. Ah.. if the Web had existed in 1933 ... ... Sorry for you and yours, though I hear Simon Fraser U. uses IT folk too :-) No, it's just coincidence and logic - that that was also the haven in the S. Lewis book..
Luck to all,