Let us go back to the days of when gun powder was invented... Technology was not something to trifle with. Technology often made people think you were a witch or warlock.

Now, as Gun powder progressed, it became clear it could be used to devastate nearly anything at a longer range than any arrow or other string or sling thrown missile usually could be.

Therefore, eventually *SOMEONE* came up with the idea of putting ALOT of gunpowder behind a LARGE projectile. They even discovered they could "direct" the blast with a very large piece of stone cut out to make a shaft bore. Not long after that Bronze was the rage in making these "cannons"... then iron later... but they were HEAVY... now they were only good if you could get them to a combat zone easily.

Horse drawn artillery was the answer... sometimes many horses, depending upon how big the cannons were... sometimes 6 horses, plus a few more for the munitions wagons. Well, what do you do with the horses while firing the cannon. Only 5 men were needed to operate a piece of artillery effectively... but the horses needed tending. So a sixth man was added to every large gun piece, to tend to the horse teams and the riding horse of the artillery officer.

Therefore, my answer is: Number 6, does the horse thing.