Every existing forum would end up with a parallel TWiki forum (making the TWiki IWeThey forums dynamic), right?
I was thinking more in terms of giving each TWiki topic it's own zIWeThey forum. TWiki is great for refining documents, but not so much for discussion. Thus if someone has a proposed change to a TWiki page, they have to edit the page itself.

By dynamically generating a zIWeThey forum for each TWiki topic, we have a place to discuss the topic without modifying it. Thus the TWiki can stand on its own as a reference.

I've tried to think of a case where I'd want to auto-generate TWiki topics from zIWeThey forums, but I can't. I was think exclusively of going the other direction.

If you are looking just at the TWiki, you don't have to know there is an associated forum, though I would include a link at the bottom, eg: "To discuss this ... " That way admins could lock pages to a named group while still allowing wide-open discussion below.

If you are looking just at zIWeThey there would be a category heading, "TWiki Discussion." Each topic under this would be the corresponding WikiWord. If I were doing the interface, I would have this category be a special-case that defaults to collapsed on the front page.