I don't expect to learn of the machinations til much later
I doubt there's any way to be 'informed' about the players, for ordinary citizens. Only near-certainty I see is that, so long as [oil] and solely mercantile considerations prompt action (or opposition to actions), there just cannot be any end to current intense spin.
The world of bizness lies has now encompassed international dialogue to the extent that - I don't believe that anyone 'speaking for the players' now attempts even a slightly truthful comment. And the fact that Dubya's decision alone is likely to prevail over all the others (including all local opposition) ought to be scary-enough to galvanize action *here*.
It hasn't. Yet. Never mind web commentaries - the Corp press will continue daily local euphemisms, no matter what presses elsewhere observe. For me, it's indistinguishable from watching a scripted soap opera - it's so phony it's not even interesting to watch. The multiple 'magazines' in the Sunday paper -- are full of jingoistic feel-good pieces, including a bio by his wife, of the CIA-agent (Spann) killed in Afgh. It's Sooo treacly I'd link to it, but it isn't in the SFgate.com files. Pap. That's the norm.
Election is coming soon. That outcome just might alter the momentum - but only if there's an upset. That's the only non-soap next event I can see. I think that most Muricans are numb (more than usually) with personal and usual stuff - especially as the biznesses intensify the slashing of worker-commodities: appear lean&mean, toady to the standard Wall Street simplistic slogans as set 'price'. 90 days is the bizness definition of 'future'.
Sorry to hear of Oz capitulation; gawd knows the rationale other than sucking-up to Big Daddy, no matter who is at the helm (?)
Luck to us all,