Just that he isn't an appropriate target if what we are doing is a war on terrorism.
He's yer basic conventional military threat. You know, with armies and stuff. Yer basic brutal dictator who slaughters his own people. When he attacks, he uses his own planes, soldiers in uniform, all the standard stuff.
I'll shed no tears for him when (not if) he dies violently (probably as part of a coup, killed by someone near and dear to him). But he isn't an international terrorist, unless you extend the meaning of the term so far that every country that has participated in military activities that result in death outside that country's borders (which includes most countries, and by definition all the good guys in WWII) is also.
He's a dictator, a military threat, a war criminal (gassing inconvenient populations qualifies), an all-around bad guy. But we are supposedly in a war at this point, and invading Iraq diverts resources from that war. Unless it isn't really a war or terrorism, but a war on all the stuff GWB doesn't like.