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New I love seeing Trump's lawyer get smacked down
New Amen! The bastards are always trying to extend the time of the ruling.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
New 2 weeks later
I actually lost a couple of pounds.

I was too lazy to go out shopping so I Amazon delivered a shitload of Thai soups. Mostly thin rice noodles with some spicy packets. Plus all my salty snacky chips.

Then I chopped up a bunch of onions and canned sliced mushrooms and stir-fried them for a bit. This gives me a large bowl to pull from.

Then I took a huge chuck roast and sous vide it to 145° for 24 hours. I took it out of the sous vide and fried it in avocado oil for a couple of minutes on each side to give it some flavor. The meat gets sliced thin (across the grain, it melts in your mouth) and tossed in to the soup along with the onions and mushrooms.

I'm almost healthy. A bit too much salt I assume.

I haven't smoked in over 2 weeks now. At least not tobacco. The first week I was definitely coughing up a bunch. According to my reading, I've been suppressing my damaged cell expulsion by smoking. So when I give up smoking my lungs are going to cough up a whole bunch of s*** for a while until they're cleared out of the dead and damaged cells. That seems to have passed. I am no longer gasping and wheezing as I try to breathe at the end of a long day filled with smoking.

M left a couple of packs here. The first couple of days I would walk by and hover and think how much I hated her smokes and it wasn't worth it but I still wanted to. Now I just pretty much forget about them unless I'm writing a note like this. She told me to leave them alone so she could give them to someone she works with. I managed to not touch them.

She will be back in less than 7 days. She will fly in at the middle of the night and go to a hotel room because I'm not driving at night and killing myself. I'll wake up and take a leisurely drive to pick her up at the hotel by the airport. I'm down to an hourly countdown. I do miss her but it's not killing me too bad.

Her cat is aggressively affectionate to me. I try to be nice to it but there is a limitation of how much I can cuddle it. It will freak out when she gets home.

Note: reply to the wrong thread for this information but screw it. I'm not posting somewhere else now.
Expand Edited by crazy Feb. 25, 2024, 07:56:33 PM EST
New 2 weeks not smoking is progress and will get easier with time.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
New It's over.
It's not going to get any easier because it's simply done. I used to smoke to pass the time. It was simply an easy thing to do while satisfying my withdrawal. But the withdrawal is over.

I've been waiting 15 years to quit. My standard verbiage was: I can't quit as long as my wife is smoking.

Every time she quit in the past she held out. There was always a pack of smokes in the car. There were always more smokes. So she'd bring them back into the house and I'd start smoking again. It's easy. I had from age 19 to 45 of no smoking while my wife smoked. But that was the last wife. And I didn't like her. So me not smoking was a rebellion against her existence. And I didn't allow her to smoke in my house except in a single room. And I never went into that room. That's different from this wife. I really like this wife.

So this wife went off to take care of her father. At this point we've decided she can't handle him for more than 2 weeks, but in this case she took him for a month. The first week was her giving up cigarettes. She was not allowed to smoke in her Airbnb and she took it as an opportunity. So she abandoned me and my carton ran it out a week later and I gave it up.

Note: I have the most powerful hallucinogenics available. I spent 5 days tripping out of my mind. I watched enjoyable videos and I cuddled my cats and I did not smoke. I never experienced withdrawal. I experienced an altered state of mind that kept me distracted for a week. No withdrawal. No downside to quitting. I just can breathe better now.

So now I'm done. It's easy. Just blast your mind into an altered state for a week so you can ignore the withdrawal.
New Isn't that what some of that stuff was originally created for?

New OK, so this may be a stupid question, but feels like it has to be asked.
...from age 19 to 45 of no smoking while my wife smoked. But that was the last wife. And I didn't like her.
So, uh... If you didn't even like her, then why the fuck did you stay married for that long?!?

You're not that old (a year younger than me, IIRC), so I'm fairly sure the concept of divorce was not only invented, but almost certainly also legal wherever you lived, well before you were 45.

So... Why the fuck?

   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything

Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi
New Kids/ finances/ house
I had two kids and I waited until they were out of high school. I sucked it up for 15 years.

Over here the school system is based on where you live. Each state has its different priorities and then in the case of New Jersey, each township controlled the schools.

I had a very nice house in one of the best school districts in the country. We paid in local school taxes which were based on our assessed house value so it cost me but I considered that an investment in my kids' future.

There is no way I would have been able to pay for that house while simultaneously maintaining another residence and my wife did not work, at least whatever money she made in her part-time job never was contributed to household expenses so it would be totally up to me to cover it. There is no way I could.

I had the commitment to the kids, not the wife. So I waited until the kids were out of high school.
New Ah, gotcha.
New Which doesn't mean I don't really really want
M is dealing with family crap. She's a geriatric nurse. She's the dementia whisperer. She is beyond expert in this situation. And she's got a mildly demented father. What does mildly mean? It means he can't f****** drive. The rest of the family are happy to hand him the keys. The rest of the family are geographically situated where they are in charge. Such is life.

So she grabs a bottle of tequila and finds a pack of smokes in her car. So she's smoking like a chimney. Not me. Not yet. But oh I want. I want so bad.
New We had to take the car keys off Dad.
It took two big, standup arguments until he surrendered them. And I'm not one to do that, either! But he was getting dangerous and in the suburbs of a big city, that's a bad thing. At least he'd already stopped driving at night - we didn't have to argue that out of him.

(This was almost 10 years ago, now. He has since passed away.)

     I love seeing Trump's lawyer get smacked down - (crazy) - (10)
         Amen! The bastards are always trying to extend the time of the ruling. -NT - (a6l6e6x)
         2 weeks later - (crazy) - (8)
             2 weeks not smoking is progress and will get easier with time. -NT - (a6l6e6x) - (7)
                 It's over. - (crazy) - (6)
                     Isn't that what some of that stuff was originally created for? -NT - (drook)
                     OK, so this may be a stupid question, but feels like it has to be asked. - (CRConrad) - (2)
                         Kids/ finances/ house - (crazy) - (1)
                             Ah, gotcha. -NT - (CRConrad)
                     Which doesn't mean I don't really really want - (crazy) - (1)
                         We had to take the car keys off Dad. - (static)

Mmm... flame-roasted newbie...
54 ms