(That's the opposite of a nickname, for those who didn't know.)
I say "more or less vaguely" because I often get those crazy right-wing harpies a little mixed up; Boebert, Greene... Wossname of that one who was so loud a few years ago, Michelle SomethingAsian? Sorry, didn't mean to get misogynistic here; the blokes are also prone to blend together into an amorphous mass of mindless screeching. Only in suit and tie in stead of a dress.
I say "more or less vaguely" because I often get those crazy right-wing harpies a little mixed up; Boebert, Greene... Wossname of that one who was so loud a few years ago, Michelle SomethingAsian? Sorry, didn't mean to get misogynistic here; the blokes are also prone to blend together into an amorphous mass of mindless screeching. Only in suit and tie in stead of a dress.