Instead of induhveejewels...And now I quote from the ORIGINAL link. about some organizations...inclusive of their populace...
ABC is owned by the Disney Corp., which produces toys and products in developing countries where they provide their workers atrocious wages and working conditions.There, your ABC example has already been refered to. You can read, can't you?
NBC is owned by General Electric, one of the largest corporations in the world \ufffd and one with a long history of anti-union activity. GE, a major contributor to the Republican Party, has substantial financial interests in weapons manufacturing, finance, nuclear power and many other industries. Former CEO Jack Welch was one of the leaders in shutting down American plants and moving them to low-wage countries like China and Mexico.Hmmm, another of your examples that was disproven WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back at the beginning of this thread.
Awwww, what the fuck. It's not like you even REMEMBER what this discussion was about MUCH LESS the examples (complete with details, easily referenced and disproven) that were ALREADY provided.
Yep, once again, Bill's brain in stuck in an endless loop.