After all, he's just a "Congressman" and.. he's saying that everything is not quite Wonderful. Then he mentions Corporations - who give us our wonderful jobs (and sometimes even corner offices) and allow us to buy medico insurance from their partners, too - except for a piddling 40 million or so. After all - the poor must be always with us. 40 million isn't so much, though I'll have to look up how that compares with.. oh never mind. It's silly, the whole idea. These are simply lazy people who want to be taken care of by some Socialist scheme.

But the dead giveaway is: he mentions *other countries* and how they deal with things. Is he trying to suggest that we need *their* advice? Why would the Greatest Country innaworld need to copy some other country's approach to anything?

I guess I can only take the prudent view of courageous moderates everywhere, and state forthrightly:

That's pretty rich, alright.

But of course he *may* have a political point of view (!) so safest would be to say: prolly he just made up the suppurating pile of coincidences he *says* is true - and I guess the other side says just the opposite: everything's really fine, as always.

{sigh} I get so confused - especially by these naysayers. They are so rude. Why Do They Hate America So Much?

Thanks for mentioning it though. My considered judgment is: it's not surprising that a US Congressman might say such a thing, is it? What do you suppose he meant by that? It's so complicated and all.

Striving every day towards Excellence.
Waiting to be Raptured Out, with the Best People..
(Sick and tired of all the bad things some people say.)