"Own the press and you own the People" - V.I. Lenin
I find it amusing that in this techno-age in the US, all we really have for conventional news is a bunch of "Iskras" [English = Sparks] to choose from. You'd think that w/access to more information we could do better than that.
Re: Yup: only rich country to SELL most all the airwaves
To same Corporations as finance the reelection of their representatives in 'Congress' .. er strong association there with sexual congress.
I can still see Newt up there on the Tee Vee, a slashin n'burnin (and throwin in obscene errant artists + the NEA): all slated for to-the-bone Cutting Out. And slash they did.
Those appropriations Have Not been restored - even afer Newt + Crew went to their deserved and ignominous end: after pissing off just Too Many ordinary Muricans. No Congressional Guts.. yet.
Now you have to go to BBC to get what you can. Our 'Communications' are owned lock-stock-barrel: and amalgamating more every week. Soon there will be One _BC: the Patriot Network\ufffd