I'm sure there is an excuse for you.
My my...it seems to be an personal attack that addresses none of the original subject matter.
Well, I'm sure it seems that way to you.
But it did address the original subject matter. The original subject matter being your response to the original post.
More specifically, it addressed the fact that your post contained dismissive comments rather than actual refutations or rebuttals.
And then you go on to start mixing quotes from different posts by me without regard for time/date stamps. Whatever. You have nothing to refute the original post with so you're going to cry about people being mean to you.
Grow up.
My we are full of ourselves...you >lavished< me with humiliation? Funny...I should have felt humiliated if you did...instead...oh...you must have >failed<...just like you >failed< to win the persuant debate on the name of God (oh wait...you think you >won< that debate...sorry...I'll leave you to gloat in your >victory<)
Awwww, I guess you are still hurting from that.
So let me remind you again.
You were under the mistaken belief that religion was not supposed to play a part in politics.
When it was actually that government will not endorse one religion over another.
In other words, your knowledge of the basis of this government was publicly shown to be, not only lacking, but backward.
Yet here you are, again, in the Politics forum, spewing your ravings.
To put it kindly, you have no idea what you're talking about.
But that's not going to stop you, is it?
Awwwww, poor baby. People are just being mean to you. Those naughty, mean, bad people.
It has absolutely nothing to do with your continuing demonstration of ignorance on basic facts.
It's all the fault of those meanies who keep picking on you.
Grow up.
Educate yourself.