Pick a budget, check Swappa.
I got a Galaxy S20+ there a few months ago. It was physically perfect and listed accurately as "Mint". The hardware is great. Best cameras I've had in a smart phone (coming from LG, and Essential and Nexus 4 before that).
But I don't know if I'd get another Samsung phone. It's hyper-aggressive about closing unused apps (even after doing all the things that supposedly turn off that behavior). It has its own phone and contacts apps, way of saving passwords that want to supersede the Google versions that I want to use (and that seem excessively difficult to override and impossible to uninstall). And while Samsung has been excellent about updates, they still don't do them in the background (via A/B partitions) so one gets locked out while they're downloaded and installed and the apps optimized, etc. Another senseless annoyance.
LG makes good phones and haven't had these annoyances (but my last was a V35 on Android 9). LG is very bad about updates - like don't expect any if it's not brand new. And LG is recently rumored to be selling its phone business to some Vietnamese conglomerate (which might be good or bad, but is different).
For non-cutting-edge, Moto (now owned by Lenovo) is apparently decent, but I don't know how good they are about updates.
I've occasionally read about 1+ and similar popular-outside-the-US brands, but haven't seriously considered them. If you're thinking about one of them, check the radio bands carefully and be sure you can activate it on your provider (I'm on Fi and like it a lot, but I rarely hit 1GB of cellular data).
Look carefully at the
Pixel 4a with 5G - it's gotten excellent reviews and is ~ $320 or so, if your budget is that high.
HTH a little. Good luck!