..And because Natural Selection® usually is v. slow--we may not look for relief from the awaiting
(salivating?) Doom. Such ones shall as happily trash the planet too, delighting in the WInning!
--over Truthiness, Knowledge and just-plain Goodness. And Tesla-owners. Lemmings would understand.
(Ya don't need a Puntiff to deduce what has gone-Rong under Kapitalismo--equated to 'wealth'),
and Strife beoming the fav form of recreation of the imagination-free.
(My choice re silencing the liitle-[i's] ever running loose in the reptile parts of jelloware--the heebie-jeebies?)
Maybe pen a sequel, while watching? Pair o'Dice Lost
If money is still extant, send royalties to the folks with flabby upper-lips :-)