They've won everything since (at least) 1980. What's the biggest Leftist success we've had in the past 4 decades? The PPACA. Also known as the Republican healthcare program of Massachusetts. That's the Left's big win in forty years. But, wait, there's more. There's a "compromise" bill apparently nearing completion where the unemployment supplement will be $300/week. Funny, that's the amount Mitch initially said he wanted. No, no, no, we're told, the Left pushed for that. Bullshit. The Left's stated ambition was $600/week (note: I've no cat in this fight as I'm fortunate enough not to qualify should I become unemployed). Will Rogers' observation that he didn't belong to an organized political party is more accurate now than ever. This country is a joke. I ranted and railed against Trump as hard as anyone, but in the final analysis he more accurately reflected how fucked up we are than anyone in memory.