So he has success and your guess is he'll just quit.
He is not the government. (Damn. I had to use a polysyllabic word there. I've probably lost you.)

He is not the court.

He is not the President.

He is not the House or Senate.

What he wants does not matter.

He must take his case to the court.

The judge must rule that he is right.

Then that ruling can be appealed. (damn. "appealed" is too big. probably lost you again)

If the government (lost you again) has lost all the way to the USSC, then they must change the money.

Only when ALL of those things happen, will we have to change the money.

At which point, you say it will be too expensive.

But we're already changing the quarters 50 times.

Dollar coins
Dollar bills

Even if we changed ALL the money, it would STILL be FEWER changes than we are currently going through VOLUNTARILY with the quarters.


#1. What he WANTS does not matter.

#2. He has to go through the SYSTEM to get his WANTS enacted.

#3. Even if he wins ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE SYSTEM.....the impact will be less than what we're going through right now.

Is there is ANYONE other than Mr. Pathetic who has a PROBLEM understanding the situation?