Appreciations from moi:
As a privileged-White-person, one also with the (rare-as-hens'-teeth) de-$$Bizness-icated Retirement coverage: I daily count [those 'blessings' things]. Gloating?--not a fucking-Bit: know too many who are among the Majority-totally-Fucked by the disgusting root-cause of most every absurdity we might care to analyze:
'Murican Vulture Kapitalismo is the root-Cause of this Failed-'state's predicament as-we-speak. It cossets the very-Ethics-free tiny minority as have pillaged this banana-'republic' throughout my lifetime /from the 'Tipping-Point' of sentience arriving in my jelloware. (Much of our National Clusterfuck derives IME from the 'accident' that: in Males, testosterone enables/intesifies! the Violence-tic) ... from the pig-ignorance folkways-growing-up on to --> the totally Ethics-free daily habits [some %Huge] of virtually every 'Bizness': management and daily-operation [Daily-Lying] takes its toll in destroying Conscience. Add-in the Rebel-flag-masturbating masses and ya gets:
Just What you so ably ..just wrote. (I feel privileged too, that IWE--even exists) as the rarest kinda tribes. This amidst the so-many-wannabes' Hangouts, where maudlin-BS is the general level of such time-filler spots grammar-school vocabulary-levels [emulating too often that deranged Man-child-in-Chief]. Etc.
So.. Thanks Todd [Et Alia!]. Competence!, especially within a Clusterfuck Collection to End-all-clusterfucks: proves to be in shorter supply as the stakes climb ^Upwards^ via the anti-gravitas of the Fascists' chosen form of Non-governance. Circus of the Macabre.. ..we gets to Examine it, whether wanting-to or not.
As a privileged-White-person, one also with the (rare-as-hens'-teeth) de-$$Bizness-icated Retirement coverage: I daily count [those 'blessings' things]. Gloating?--not a fucking-Bit: know too many who are among the Majority-totally-Fucked by the disgusting root-cause of most every absurdity we might care to analyze:
'Murican Vulture Kapitalismo is the root-Cause of this Failed-'state's predicament as-we-speak. It cossets the very-Ethics-free tiny minority as have pillaged this banana-'republic' throughout my lifetime /from the 'Tipping-Point' of sentience arriving in my jelloware. (Much of our National Clusterfuck derives IME from the 'accident' that: in Males, testosterone enables/intesifies! the Violence-tic) ... from the pig-ignorance folkways-growing-up on to --> the totally Ethics-free daily habits [some %Huge] of virtually every 'Bizness': management and daily-operation [Daily-Lying] takes its toll in destroying Conscience. Add-in the Rebel-flag-masturbating masses and ya gets:
Just What you so ably ..just wrote. (I feel privileged too, that IWE--even exists) as the rarest kinda tribes. This amidst the so-many-wannabes' Hangouts, where maudlin-BS is the general level of such time-filler spots grammar-school vocabulary-levels [emulating too often that deranged Man-child-in-Chief]. Etc.
So.. Thanks Todd [Et Alia!]. Competence!, especially within a Clusterfuck Collection to End-all-clusterfucks: proves to be in shorter supply as the stakes climb ^Upwards^ via the anti-gravitas of the Fascists' chosen form of Non-governance. Circus of the Macabre.. ..we gets to Examine it, whether wanting-to or not.