There was a young-un who stiffed me outta a ~$600 'loan' (for some cockamamie 'trip' or other), way-back.
Still am in regular contact with her (older) sister; when X's name came up, first thing she said was,
"Did A. say anything about me??"
(D punted; already knew the story, and shares with moi that er, 'Cream of the Jest?'--as ever needs patience).
As-in: [Heh..] proof positive that she still-Realizes the scam And nowadays (when she's a lawyer of some ilk + usual excessive-$$)
with which to attempt some sorta atone?ment: Well, You. Know.
Schadenfrude preview? as the Sis and I are likely to remain in contact and these two + many (used to) congregate farmily-style:
it shall become Fun to see if she finally Grows a Pair, eh?
Over & Out.
There was a young-un who stiffed me outta a ~$600 'loan' (for some cockamamie 'trip' or other), way-back.
Still am in regular contact with her (older) sister; when X's name came up, first thing she said was,
"Did A. say anything about me??"
(D punted; already knew the story, and shares with moi that er, 'Cream of the Jest?'--as ever needs patience).
As-in: [Heh..] proof positive that she still-Realizes the scam And nowadays (when she's a lawyer of some ilk + usual excessive-$$)
with which to attempt some sorta atone?ment: Well, You. Know.
Schadenfrude preview? as the Sis and I are likely to remain in contact and these two + many (used to) congregate farmily-style:
it shall become Fun to see if she finally Grows a Pair, eh?
Over & Out.