I see this a lot with the Dems. So-and-so is problematic, they've got this or that history, they're not "weighty" enough, whatever.
Newsflash: this is every candidate for every political party in the world, ever.
Pick the least worst, and get on with it. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, and all that.
ETA: there are parallels with the Labour Party in the UK, only instead of picking someone who could win, the Party (due in no small part to an unwise decision to allow the broader Party membership to effectively control the outcome, effectively nullifying the ability of MPs to influence the outcome; MPs like to win, hence are more likely to pick a winning leader) selected the ideologically pure candidate, Jeremy Corbyn - a man who has achieved very little in his 34 years in parliament, having served on no committees, held no high office during Labour's 13-year run in the early 2000s, written no books, etc. - who went on to contest and lose two general elections; the first against the weakest incumbent government in recent history, and the second by a margin not seen since 1935.
To howls of anguish from the purity ponies, Keir Starmer is now leader. He is a barrister, formerly the Director of Public Prosecutions, speaks well, eviscerates Johnson at PMQs every Wednesday, looks good in a suit, has good hair, doesn't have a shit beard, etc. Result: he's polling well above Johnson. Like, ten to fifteen points above.
Bernie Bros would be wise to reflect on this.
Newsflash: this is every candidate for every political party in the world, ever.
Pick the least worst, and get on with it. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, and all that.
ETA: there are parallels with the Labour Party in the UK, only instead of picking someone who could win, the Party (due in no small part to an unwise decision to allow the broader Party membership to effectively control the outcome, effectively nullifying the ability of MPs to influence the outcome; MPs like to win, hence are more likely to pick a winning leader) selected the ideologically pure candidate, Jeremy Corbyn - a man who has achieved very little in his 34 years in parliament, having served on no committees, held no high office during Labour's 13-year run in the early 2000s, written no books, etc. - who went on to contest and lose two general elections; the first against the weakest incumbent government in recent history, and the second by a margin not seen since 1935.
To howls of anguish from the purity ponies, Keir Starmer is now leader. He is a barrister, formerly the Director of Public Prosecutions, speaks well, eviscerates Johnson at PMQs every Wednesday, looks good in a suit, has good hair, doesn't have a shit beard, etc. Result: he's polling well above Johnson. Like, ten to fifteen points above.
Bernie Bros would be wise to reflect on this.