Ya gots a Drumpf-clone-BJ [!!] t'other other sid of the Pond; when the Language of The Bard matches the moron-Speak of this side? lemmingization is proven
not fanciful: the corpses are already scattered about..because Language murther is no longer theoretical cf. The Plague responses.
Drumpf + BoJo-in-a bathyscaphe at bottom of Marianas Trench: International committeee on tending-ship cuts cable.
(Anything less? is still a planetary Cop-out.)
This side? promulgation: every Repo in every 'Office' henceforth shall have attached 24/7 an 8# (or 8£) cannon-ball. For life. (Right on through the cremation).
not fanciful: the corpses are already scattered about..because Language murther is no longer theoretical cf. The Plague responses.
Drumpf + BoJo-in-a bathyscaphe at bottom of Marianas Trench: International committeee on tending-ship cuts cable.
(Anything less? is still a planetary Cop-out.)
This side? promulgation: every Repo in every 'Office' henceforth shall have attached 24/7 an 8# (or 8£) cannon-ball. For life. (Right on through the cremation).