Salieri, Amadeus, envy. This applies to the movie only, not to real life. In the real world Salieri promoted Mozart's career whenever he could, and they partnered on projects now and then.
When Salieri became head of the Vienna Opera, the first opera he put on was one of Mozart's, not one of his own.
It was long thought Mozart never heard his last three symphonies, but they have now found evidence they were performed. They are certain there was only one person in Vienna who would have sponsored those performances and had the ability to do so, Antonio Salieri.
In the words of Jim Svejda, 40 year classical announcer at KUSC, on the movie Amadeus, "Its an absolutely great movie, I must have seen it 10 times. There isn't anything in it that's true, but it's a great movie".
Incidentally, there is no evidence whatever that Mozart ever used the name Amadeus.
When Salieri became head of the Vienna Opera, the first opera he put on was one of Mozart's, not one of his own.
It was long thought Mozart never heard his last three symphonies, but they have now found evidence they were performed. They are certain there was only one person in Vienna who would have sponsored those performances and had the ability to do so, Antonio Salieri.
In the words of Jim Svejda, 40 year classical announcer at KUSC, on the movie Amadeus, "Its an absolutely great movie, I must have seen it 10 times. There isn't anything in it that's true, but it's a great movie".
Incidentally, there is no evidence whatever that Mozart ever used the name Amadeus.