Might have been, but that's not what they did
They were emplaced and getting ready to support an offensive, but the Iraqis saw them before armored cav was ready. So instead of blocking the retreat, they ended up going on the offensive. They didn't have time to do anything but jack the legs up and eyeball it.
And speaking of lethal perimeter ... I went to cover a CAX as a combat correspondent and wanted to get some good artillery photos. I asked the CO how far to the side I needed to be if I wanted to be forward of the firing line. He told me to stay outside the aiming stakes and gave me some ear protection.
I set up with my knee against the stake, so I was between 30 & 45 degrees out of line and about 30 meters out. Every time they fired the camera body rang like a bell. And that wasn't even the explosive, just the propellant.