Even the not-quite-one-in-sixty people who actually bothers going regularly aren't all that bothered about god. The CoE is there mainly to make sure the queen isn't a catlick, not that anyone actually cares about that.
Northern Europe in the 21stC really doesn't give much of a crap about religion, to a degree that is probably mind-bending to a lot of the world.
Also, don't be fooled by NI and Scotland; their so-called "sectarian" issues are merely a cypher for deeper tribal issues. It might have been about worshipping the wrong flavour of god once, but not really these days.
Northern Europe in the 21stC really doesn't give much of a crap about religion, to a degree that is probably mind-bending to a lot of the world.
Also, don't be fooled by NI and Scotland; their so-called "sectarian" issues are merely a cypher for deeper tribal issues. It might have been about worshipping the wrong flavour of god once, but not really these days.