Afterthought: 'Director of National Intelligence' ... say it Again, slowly.
Does this mean.. that there exists a formal, funded, Planned reduction in consciousness, bringing-down intellectual and other reasoning capacities, etc.?
Is there, then: a dis-U.S.A. Czar of Dumbth ??
P.S. In-the-know, carping LRPD opines.
None of us is as dumb as all of us.
Face it: we're orange-topped-marmeladed Toast, next.
There will be 0-days when, a sane one might have a splendid romp (in the country, (say?) awfully though: even when Out of This Country) as:
the Damocles Sword named **Trump Lives! shall henceforth dance in the shadows, ready to spoil the slightest chance of an authentic endorphin.
**Citizen Robespierre Drumpf may be just one of countless 'nicks signifying the national shooting-into-same-foot, repeatedly.

Edited by
Dec. 19, 2016, 05:06:12 PM EST
Afterthought: 'Director of National Intelligence' ... say it Again, slowly.
Does this mean.. that there exists a formal, funded, Planned reduction in consciousness, bringing-down intellectual and other reasoning capacities, etc.?
Is there, then: a dis-U.S.A. Czar of Dumbth ??