Your vote for Trump, and the vote of your fifty closest Indiana friends for Trump, will not affect the outcome in Indiana, which will be comfortably in short-fingered vulgarian's column come November. It will, however, mark you as a feckless and petulant character, and as actively and not merely passively an enabler of a candidate who has stated his intention to make torture and Lidice-style "retaliation" a formal part of US policy. There will be specific and particularly ghastly instances of human suffering that you will never, never be able honestly to disavow, because you will not even have the "who could have known?" excuse to hide behind (but hey, man, it'll heighten the contradictions, so if some greasy foreigner gets waterboarded, who gives a fuck, y'know? Talk about "I've got mine"). Vote for Stein or some other purity pony and some may with justice regard you as willfully deluded; vote for Trump and you will have—regrettably if not, alas, regretfully—crossed the line into actual collaboration.