Post #410,586
6/1/16 8:21:40 AM
6/1/16 8:21:40 AM

Hell, Hayden admitted he sold out as early as 1992.
Post #410,587
6/1/16 8:33:19 AM
6/1/16 8:33:19 AM

re: the last. Are you sure you want to go there? Mr. GA pilot? ;-p
Post #410,588
6/1/16 8:40:04 AM
6/1/16 8:40:04 AM

It's not a secret to me that my politics don't play well with my pocketbook.
Post #410,589
6/1/16 10:04:28 AM
6/1/16 10:04:28 AM

As you have pointed out
Your vote for Trump, and the vote of your fifty closest Indiana friends for Trump, will not affect the outcome in Indiana, which will be comfortably in short-fingered vulgarian's column come November. It will, however, mark you as a feckless and petulant character, and as actively and not merely passively an enabler of a candidate who has stated his intention to make torture and Lidice-style "retaliation" a formal part of US policy. There will be specific and particularly ghastly instances of human suffering that you will never, never be able honestly to disavow, because you will not even have the "who could have known?" excuse to hide behind (but hey, man, it'll heighten the contradictions, so if some greasy foreigner gets waterboarded, who gives a fuck, y'know? Talk about "I've got mine"). Vote for Stein or some other purity pony and some may with justice regard you as willfully deluded; vote for Trump and you will have—regrettably if not, alas, regretfully—crossed the line into actual collaboration.
Post #410,590
6/1/16 10:21:49 AM
6/1/16 10:21:49 AM

I really don't understand your animus toward a vote from me for Trump.
You say my state is going Trump regardless, (and it probably is - as I noted very early, Clinton doesn't stand a chance in this state, but Bernie would have). So what difference does my vote make? The Peeple have expressed their wish for this sort of politics. True, some wish for a more emphatic version, but if Hillary is the Democratic nominee, then it's clear that the spirit of the politics that is desired by the majority is a settled notion. If I "fall in line" with that spirit, how I am more culpable than those who came to embrace that spirit voluntarily?
I submit that, without regard to whether and for whom I vote in November, it is not I who will be responsible for the barbarity, but those who voted for one of the two evils in November. You claim, in essence, the blood of innocents will be on my hands if I vote for the more evil of evils (which, btw, assumes facts not in evidence), but it is very clear that Clinton has supported the bombing and maiming of tens, if not hundreds of thousands of innocents already. Yet, anyone voting for her in November is somehow immune from that responsibility?
Post #410,600
6/1/16 2:21:12 PM
6/1/16 2:21:12 PM

Well, that would be in line with comrade Kim Jong-un.
BBC: North Korean state media have hailed US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump as a "wise politician" who could be good for the North.
The editorial in DPRK Today said he was a "far-sighted presidential candidate".
Mr Trump recently said he would be willing to meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, and has also proposed withdrawing US troops from South Korea.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #410,602
6/1/16 3:21:35 PM
6/1/16 3:21:35 PM

Ah, the "Let's you and him fight..." school of advocacy.
I submit that, without regard to whether and for whom I vote in November, it is not I who will be responsible for the barbarity, ... Trashing Hillary and the Democrats in your arguments here doesn't make you an innocent observer who has no impact on the outcome. You're putting your fingers on your preferred outcome with your arguments. You can't then say with a straight face that you bear no responsibility. It's "let's you and him fight". Riling up the partisans while you attempt to sit back and play innocent. "I didn't do nothing!". Nice try. ;-) If Trump wins, it will be a disaster for the country and for your daughter's future. You really shouldn't be arguing for that... Yes, I recognize that we have a tiny community here, and our dozen or so votes aren't likely to sway the outcome. And our arguments aren't likely to sway many others either. But I think we do have a responsibility to try to make things better for those around us and for those who come after us. And sometimes one person does make a difference. My $0.02. Cheers, Scott.
Post #410,604
6/1/16 4:33:21 PM
6/1/16 4:33:21 PM

How's that going for Egypt?
Post #410,605
6/1/16 4:59:07 PM
6/1/16 4:59:07 PM

Countries ruled by the military for decades often have problems when the revolution comes.
Way to miss the point. ;-) It looks like Obummer just gave a great speech in your neck of the woods, if you believe the early reviews. Cheers, Scott.