no, it is a series of assumptions
It isn't talking about anything specific other than the fact that guy THOUGHT his transactions were being sniffed, bought before he could, then offered for sale at a higher price. That type of activity IS illegal, and if/when it happens, will be caught.
He is simply guessing and accusing with no proof.
His solution of hit multiple exchanges for the order at the same time fixes THIS scenario (which is also perfectly reasonable):
Seller on exchange 1 makes a deal to sell 100 shares of something.
This sale is announced to the world (legal requirement). The transaction data feed is sent to all the other exchanges in real time, as fast as the wire (or fiber or microwave) can. Far faster than most end users are capable of being connected to the exchange.
Seller on exchange 2 has the same stock, sees there is interest, and bumps up his price a bit.
No front running, nothing illegal.
The guy is simply pushing his own exchange and bad mouthing the others, grasping at bullshit straws, and you fall for it.