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New Special place in e-Hell is reserved for those
who have mindlessly fed new techno gadgetry to the manifestly despicables (usually for a sop.)
(Oppie warned that physicists now knew sin.. but that was just the beginning of androgynous techno-whoredom--like This.)

It also seems that (as I listen on..) the whistleblowers here: already $M/yr. fat-cats--the ones who spoke out--were, mainly immigrants.
Actually, the dis-USA IS exceptional.

Will meaningless-digital 'money' bring on this overdue dissolution, the requisite blood--then the New-Constitution written on bearskins?
(Ursula Le Guin already used the title for today, The Dispossessed.)

I 'pledge allegiance to'--whatever finally gets our sordid history expunged, if not yet satisfyingly avenged.
New too bad I only had 3 months doing that
So, do I get 3 months in hell then probation?

And it is not front running dammit.

Seller: I have 20,000 shares of IBM right now. I offer it for 100 per share.
Buyer 1: gimme 100 shares.
Seller: cool got a bite, here you go.
Seller: I have 19,900 share of IBM right now. I offer it for 105 per share.
Buyer 2 (who only saw the 1st announcement because he's only human): gimme 20,000 shares for 100 per share.
Seller: no, you are too slow, you can't have it. The current price is 105 and I only have 19,900, take it or leave it.
Buyer 2: wawawa, somebody is front running me.
New The NPR linky seems to be talking about someting else.
Isn't it?

New no, it is a series of assumptions
It isn't talking about anything specific other than the fact that guy THOUGHT his transactions were being sniffed, bought before he could, then offered for sale at a higher price. That type of activity IS illegal, and if/when it happens, will be caught.
He is simply guessing and accusing with no proof.
His solution of hit multiple exchanges for the order at the same time fixes THIS scenario (which is also perfectly reasonable):

Seller on exchange 1 makes a deal to sell 100 shares of something.
This sale is announced to the world (legal requirement). The transaction data feed is sent to all the other exchanges in real time, as fast as the wire (or fiber or microwave) can. Far faster than most end users are capable of being connected to the exchange.
Seller on exchange 2 has the same stock, sees there is interest, and bumps up his price a bit.

No front running, nothing illegal.
The guy is simply pushing his own exchange and bad mouthing the others, grasping at bullshit straws, and you fall for it.
New So this is all false?

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

-- Isaac Asimov
New No idea
I haven't been exposed to it, so I can't comment.
But that wasn't what the top posted article was referring to.
     Fresh Air: the roulette wheel is... - (rcareaga) - (11)
         Special place in e-Hell is reserved for those - (Ashton) - (5)
             too bad I only had 3 months doing that - (crazy) - (4)
                 The NPR linky seems to be talking about someting else. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                     no, it is a series of assumptions - (crazy)
                 So this is all false? - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                     No idea - (crazy)
         Think of it as a small tax on all your stock transactions! - (a6l6e6x)
         It's not so much "investors" getting screwed . . . - (Andrew Grygus)
         Baker says a transaction tax would fix it. - (Another Scott)
         How is this news? -NT - (mmoffitt) - (1)
             Re: How is this news? - (jake123)

If ya dont want to dispense certain drugs go into construction.
46 ms