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New Pierce flays Kristol
The execrable William Kristol deplores US "war weariness" ("an excuse to avoid maintaining our defenses or shouldering our responsibilities") Charlie Pierce rips him a new one in a philippic quoted here in its entirety:
Blow me, you monstrous, bloodthirsty fraud, you silly, stupid chickenhawk motherfker who plays army man with the children of people who are so much better than you are, and who would feed innocent civilians in lands you will never visit into your own personal meatgrinder to service your semi-annual martial erection. You and the rest of your cowardly cohort helped prepare the ground for the worst geopolitical mistake the country has made in 30 years. You fought the battle of the Green Rooms and the think tanks while other people's sons and daughters died for your fantasy of how the world would work if you really were the pimply, adolescent Zeus you see when you look in the mirror every morning. The country does not need you lectures any more. The country does not need your counsel. The country does not need your advice. And, as sure as human beings have become dead because of your lectures, and counsel, and advice, human beings about whom you otherwise care nothing, the country does not need your hectoring that it has become insufficiently bellicose to fulfill your newest, blood-drenched fantasies. Even here, even now, you hide behind the skirts of a woman from Indiana who, while I believe her to be wrong, seems to be genuine in her beliefs. You are unworthy of her intellectual camouflage. You should be driven from polite society, consigned to an ideological Molokai so you can no longer infect the rest of us. People should shun you. You should wear the bell for the rest of your miserable days.

Malevolent and deeply, irremediably stupid is little Billy K.

New Context please
Who's this Kristol chap?
New Re: Context please
William Kristol - One of W's cheerleaders.




Expand Edited by Another Scott March 19, 2014, 10:30:14 AM EDT
New I see
An armchair soldier who's never had anything more threatening than a super-soaker pointed at him, giving it Bertie Big Potatoes about how other people should go and get shot at.

What a dickbag.
New His irony meter's busted, while mine's all a-klaxon
Every time I hear this, I wonder: Did you serve? Did you volunteer to fight oppression in foreign lands? Did your son or brother or husband? If so, then I understand and sympathize with your complaint ... unlike most of those who utter this shopworn phrase.

To which little Billy says, "Hear hear!"

Yes, William, because your extensive military career gives you common cause with Ms. Szrom.

What's that you say? You never served? Well then ... do fuck right off now.

New See also his wikipedia entry
Son of Irving Kristol, an early neocon. Little Billy is the dumbest man ever to have a regular gig (since rescinded) at the New York Times, which is saying something, since the Newspaper of Record also employs David Brooks, Ross Douthat and Tom Friedman. I have long cherished the following anecdote:
“I remember back in the late 1990s, when Ira Katznelson, an eminent political scientist at Columbia, came to deliver a guest lecture. Prof. Katznelson described a lunch he had with Irving Kristol during the first Bush administration.

“The talk turned to William Kristol, then Dan Quayle’s chief of staff, and how he got his start in politics. Irving recalled how he talked to his friend Harvey Mansfield at Harvard, who secured William a place there as both an undergrad and graduate student; how he talked to Pat Moynihan, then Nixon’s domestic policy adviser, and got William an internship at the White House; how he talked to friends at the RNC [Republican National Committee] and secured a job for William after he got his Harvard Ph.D.; and how he arranged with still more friends for William to teach at Penn and the Kennedy School of Government.

“With that, Prof. Katznelson recalled, he then asked Irving what he thought of affirmative action. ‘I oppose it,’ Irving replied. ‘It subverts meritocracy.’ ”
New Got link for this?
I would love to distribute this more widely.
New Not Rand, but here's what I've found.
This seems to be one of the earliest ones - http://www.lawyersgu...-kristol-meltdown . The cite for it - http://www.haloscan....991906208/#655097 - gives a 404, but archive.org may have it.


New Not really a 404
the original comment was on haloscan, as was the original article; they've been migrating them into the current site for quite a while. You can find it further down if you read the comments.
if you go further down the thread, you'll find the subject of that post (Ira Katznelson) weighs in with his actual recollections of the conversation.
New Good catch. Thanks.
New From first link, think I've got it..
Conservatives Reactionaries have been on a long diet with increasing dosages of Aresenic.
Were that diet suddenly cut/Kristol demoted: withdrawal would kill.

(Alas, it's 5+ years later ... so I guess they're in stasis until the Death of All Language.)
(So sorry that T. Pratchett didn't get the (promising?) new anti-Alzheimer protein. Bet he could run with another 'Death-of' within the Morpork pantheon.)

New SImplest, perhaps--
He is the zombie-incarnation of My Gramma, complete with the identical '50s hack-phrases of the [Look up, 'John Birch Society'.]
He encompasses the virtual-liff posture of one marlowe but sans marlowe's continuous bugaboo:
when he (per his own words)
had the shit beaten out of him, apparently by some local Irish 'goons' (or maybe just non-goons tired of his verbal diarrhea?)

'True' can be applied in Kristol's case only to the phrase, True-sociopath.
(I claim only that, I KNOW this mofo.. cold.)
New Thanks.. Verbal-Treat of the Year.. some priceless replies,
too numerous even to excerpt.

One thing Kristol is 'good' for--uniting the Troops-against-Wargasm.
(His brain should be studied [soon, please?] and preserved as a baseline for all students of abnormal psych: the equivalent of 0.000° Kelvin.)
New Re: Pierce flays Kristol
He had me at

Blow me, you monstrous, bloodthirsty fraud,

and just improved it from there.

Satan (impatiently) to Newcomer: The trouble with you Chicago people is, that you think you are the best people down here; whereas you are merely the most numerous.
- - - Mark Twain “Pudd’nhead Wilson’s New Calendar,” 1897
     Pierce flays Kristol - (rcareaga) - (14)
         Context please - (pwhysall) - (11)
             Re: Context please - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 I see - (pwhysall)
                 His irony meter's busted, while mine's all a-klaxon - (drook)
             See also his wikipedia entry - (rcareaga) - (6)
                 Got link for this? - (jake123) - (5)
                     Not Rand, but here's what I've found. - (Another Scott) - (4)
                         Not really a 404 - (jake123) - (2)
                             BTW - (jake123) - (1)
                                 Good catch. Thanks. -NT - (Another Scott)
                         From first link, think I've got it.. - (Ashton)
             SImplest, perhaps-- - (Ashton)
         Thanks.. Verbal-Treat of the Year.. some priceless replies, - (Ashton)
         Re: Pierce flays Kristol - (lincoln)

No, we don't know what it means either.
185 ms