Post #380,331
9/6/13 11:09:01 AM
A brilliant example of
the perfect being the enemy of the good.
The ACA is better than what came before. Why shit on people for supporting something that's not ideal but better than what came before?
Then start working on the next iteration of Something Better Than What Came Before.
Post #380,338
9/6/13 1:16:09 PM
I'm unconvinced the ACA is better than what was.
Or even significantly different from what came before. With one exception: it is now the unassailable law of the land that Americans are born owing private corporations a profit. Whatever arguable good the ACA does, it is vastly overwhelmed by that simple fact. Obama had 2/3rds of the People behind him, his political party had a super-majority in the Senate and enough support in the House to at least pass a bill with an option for Single Payer. He fought that option tooth-and-nail from the very first hearings on health care reform. It was the White House who would not let Nader speak in those hearings and it was the White House who would not let even the President of the American Medical Association testify at those hearings because they were in favor of Single Payer, and Obama (the "Change We Can Believe In" President) was opposed to Single Payer above all else. Others can let him off the hook for that in their ceaseless apologizing of the President and his policies, but I'll not join their ranks.
Post #380,341
9/6/13 2:29:51 PM
50 million people that couldn't get coverage now can
That's an improvement.
Post #380,343
9/6/13 2:39:24 PM
Re: 50 million people that couldn't get coverage now can
if they can afford it
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
Post #380,345
9/6/13 4:19:39 PM
Guess who said this...
"It is a good day for 30 million uninsured Americans who will have access to healthcare. It is a good day for seniors who will continue to see their prescription drug costs go down as the so-called doughnut hole goes away. It is a good day for small businesses who simply cannot continue to afford the escalating costs of providing insurance for their employees. It is a good day for 20 million Americans who will soon be able to find access to community health centers.
"It is an especially good day for the state of Vermont, which stands to receive hundreds of millions of dollars in additional federal funds to help our state achieve universal health care.
"In my view, while the Affordable Care Act is an important step in the right direction and I am glad that the Supreme Court upheld it, [...]
No fair peaking at the URL. ;-)
Post #380,362
9/7/13 12:33:57 AM
As from the get-go: S i n g l e - P a y e r is the Only Sane
OPTION--to millions of people demonstrably smarter-than the Σ-vox-populi of the U.S.
But FIRST--as Always--we must 'try' all the self-serving, crass-conceived Alternatives-to-SANE.
Because: That is what made Murica what It Is today. [Fill-in _____ ]
GOOO --> Bernie!
Post #380,382
9/7/13 3:36:52 PM
St Raygun?
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
Post #380,383
9/7/13 4:37:34 PM
Guessing from the URL you weren't supposed to peek at...
...somebody named Sanders, probably in the Senate.
Isn't there a Bernie Sanders in American politics?
Christian R. Conrad
Same old username (as above), but now on
(Yeah, yeah, it redirects to the same old GMail... But just in case I ever want to change.)
Post #380,386
9/7/13 6:21:26 PM
Post #380,406
9/8/13 4:06:21 PM
Yeah, a champion of Single Payer in Vermont.
Post #380,407
9/8/13 4:11:39 PM
And yet he supported the PPACA. Imagine that.
Post #380,409
9/8/13 5:31:35 PM
He's a sixteenth of a loaf fan.
For everybody else, that is. ;0)
No, I like Bernie, but he used the ACA in order to get Single Payer in his state. He also switched his political affiliation from Socialist to Independent a few years back. So, he's a pragmatist. He knows that folks like the Obama Administration and his fellow career politicians are beholding to large corporations and he does the best he can by his constituents. In this case, he got the brass ring for Vermont: a single payer health plan.