Scott, you are a nice person--neither sarcasm nor cynicism remotely intended in that comment.
I (or anyone not-you) can have no possible way of knowing the limits of Your imagination, that is to say
--the extent that you Can..? imagine those thoughts we usually summarize as: The Dark Side.
Most of our hints re. Others' Dark Sides come from fiction [ Smiley's People etc. etc. for the tales told by virtuosi of the calibre of an Alec Guinness (in the PBS version.) ]
(There have been n books since Abu Ghraib, one of which is, American Torture [Michael Otterman] from ~'07. Recall skimming that at local lib. I may.. have first seen something on Mitrione in that, re. his 'teachings' in Uruguay [I tend to recall odd-names + odd-countries better than most other things.]
This man was quite a Piece of Work--I conclude.)
Point is: I've found in my travels that some folks simply Cannot (actually!) "imagine" the depravity that, for some others is a constant companion.
I'm betting that this 28 yo fledgling do-gooder just Maybe Can extrapolate from--either within his own psyche, or via vivid tales from others:
the now proven depravity of a Soo--and all who sail in her--and all the hangers-on who Love playing Spook. And he { wisely } fears that he wouldn't survive, either:
A) The medieval contents + inhuman isolation 23/7 of the modern transistorized Bastilles of the US or,
B) more directly, and an equivalent set of horrors: much sooner vengeance; sooner, but maybe not-so-quick, see? Do you See?
C) Likely there IS no C: "serve time as a normal prisoner"--whatever That means in '13, amidst the highest %incarcerated of any Rich country extant. And angling for yet more funds.
Lastly, if you imagine that the Labeled-core missions of the NSA and the [n+50ish?] 'agencies' so secret that their Names are [Classified]
... are All ye Need to Know about 'operations' and actual activities within / under the aegis of these Congressionally funded orgs?
Then I respectfully suggest that you have yet to gauge the depravity of Messrs. Soo/Cheney et al, and the deeper 'capabilities' of some of their 'technicians'.
Who Love their 'work'.
I'm willing to bet that these and (probably better-informed) other examples of The Trade are known to this young person,
and that his imagination is likely more experience-based than yours. So I'll cut him more slack than you are wont to do, here.
He is not worried about the 'legal'/or its pseudo-logic; I believe he worries about the utterly irrational.. vengeful possibilities.
(I Know.. what I Would/would-not Do, were I a candidate to be on any One of those minions' laser-dot sights.
And assuredly it would not be to rely, as far as I could throw a cubic foot of depleted-Uranium--upon the Murican 'justice' system 2013.)
As Obama hews increasingly towards bot-like behavior as results, de-facto, in (as Rand commented) a policy which equals==blow a Whistle?
Get max-slammer-time, no matter what--BECAUSE you crossed >ME<, you.. >you<
QUESTIONED MY AUTHORITY, you disgusting retread '60s-Hippie scum ...
As He Goes There, I Go:
Okay, mofo, you have exceeded Geo. Bush-Cheney-light and are now fully-into [Whatever words describe the asymptote of]
accelerating totalitarian Uniformity/homogenization of the masses], via "fine weaseling Words" followed by Actions precisely emulating George W. ['I don't believe in 'Nation-building'.]
Whatever fanciful musings attended BHO's near-coronation-Then: and the vacillations, unfathomable reticence /inaction in face of far-Rightful, premeditated obstructionism--Successfully Carried Out!
--the sigma of that-all, probably means that No One next, with anything like an educated-Intelligence (?)
shall ever get within spitting-distance of that Oval place, for what..? a generation?
(If the place is even recognizable in that near-future.)
Sorry, but I too must demur: simply, IMO, the kid means Not-to get gang-raped and eviscerated/conveniently anonymously.
the %population in US jails, the %pop [at astronomical annual $Bs] now employed at-high-salaries in 'security'Tvia any other rubric
--these constitute so obvious a trend that you don't need to read It Can't Happen Here (as most in US have not.) Migawd it's 77 fucking-years-Old!
It's Happening Here, now and next.
(Who Cares about that hoary ancient-wisdom stuff any more?) And there's no video [yet..]
Now.. were I a Banker who had created $Bs of recursively-worthless Junk CDOs / ruined many lives ... ¡No es una probléma! er, USA.. USA.. USA.. USA..