Indeed the bloon-juice folk have pretty-well parsed the range of possibilities.
Probably the most incisive word found here--Martin's policy comment--is a large clue re. the achievable limits of public confidence -vs- effectiveness for the snoops.
And yes, this guy Is unlovely--at 29 he should have outgrown the salary-brag and the wiretap-the-prez ploy.
It's possible that he fits your emphases, and was? is? more interested in Self-adoration than in awakening the slumbering.
OTOH: it looks--already--as if the Play has, maybe for the first Serious-time: successfully galvanized an authentic effort (just promised/not yet actual)
of BHO et al to spell-out the Plan, the trade-offs..
via Public airing/contemplation of all the factors (amidst that tiny minority who ever delve at all.)
'We' don't Do that very well, if at all--
but as with the query of the US Prez [ Failsafe ] of the Premiere, after agreeing to nuke NYC:
..unless you can think that the gesture alone is.. sufficient???. (We know how that went.)
This factoid alone, IMO can somewhat ameliorate his insouciance or vanity--perhaps enough that, along with this Public disclosure, there just might be tacked-on:
Something intelligent re. Actual pukka Whistle-blowers, acknowledging that--in a society already infinitely-complex, homo-sap error and duplicity Shall Occur Regularly.
ie We Need those suckers, even the unlovely ones. So then--there should be Publicly-discussed New Rules on this agenda, concerning the Next {inevitable} Leaks.
As it's a crap-shoot whether this guy's Valuable contribution outweighs his faults
[what 'New' intel did he give the Russo-Chinese former-axis, of any consequence??]
I declare then: it's a tie! re. what the fate of this guy 'ought' to be / (were there any Real 'justice' remaining in our current System.)
Just another Morality Play, I wot.
Ed: Bonus! from the firedoggers..
Denunciation of the Firebaggers and Shaming of the Obots
Is that from The Rite of Spring?