Congratulations....No. This is a fact that refutes your position that Israel's existance is the root cause.'ve just changed direction AGAIN to try and discover a real argument.
Uzbekistan meets the criteria that you claim only Saudi Arabia met AND they are friendly with Israel.
The Pakistani pipeline thing didn't work..the Yasser thing didn't work...lets go to Uzbekistan.So you claim. Yet you have not offered anything to refute my position. Correction, you offered a theory that I destroyed when I informed you of Uzbekistan.
Plus...while it may be a nice place to land a is landlocked and a little off the beaten trail. Sort of like saying make friends in North Dakoda to get you closer to Texas. (Read..wouldn't Oklahoma be a >little< closer?)What are you talking about?
Are there other criteria that are attempting to specify now?
If so, could you clearly specify them?
#1. Islamic
#2. Significant
#3. ?
#4. ?
#5. ?
Look. I agree to disagree. You don't sit well with that...I don't care.Like I said before, when hit with facts, you run. Otherwise, as in the Ben & Jerry cop killer thread, you will continue to post.