Or are you going to tell me that we are now importing oil from Israel?I've never said we were. I've never implied we were. I've specifically staed that we were not. Yet you want to try to make that my position. Bill "Strawman" Patient, same as ever.
I've given you the name of an Islamic state that is friendly to us and is no small player.
When the facts contradict your positon, ignore the facts and hide behind a strawman.
How do you reconcile Uzbekistan with your previous post about Saudi Arabia being the only friendly Muslim country (aside from Kuwait who is too insignificant to matter) being our only "ally" there (aside from Israel who, while significant, is not Muslim)?
They're a reformed Soviet style state with near 100% literacy.
They are as close to "friendly" as we have over there. They also have far fewer Islamic extremists than Saudi Arabia has.
This is what "informed" means.
This is why you have to hide behind strawmen and I can provide facts, references and names to support my position.
You left Uzbekistan off your list of Arab countries. Yet they were the first to let us land our warplanes in their country.
You seem to believe Israel's existance is the root cause. Why don't you tell me what Israel/Usbekistan relations are like?
The reason you have NOT heard of Uzbekistan is that the Right Wing Rags you get all of your "information" from do not find it useful.
If its "all about the oil" then wouldn't that support be the other way...with all of the aid going to those countries that supply us oil?No, it wouldn't. And I have already explained why. Strawman, again, Bill? Why would I expect you to change now? The people with the oil are not our friends. We need someone over there who will act as our puppet in a military fashion.
That is Israel. We have Israel dependant upon us for military parts and Israel is dependant upon its military for its existance.
We give Israel millions of dollars a day in aid and Israel does things like bomb nuclear reactors of potential enemies.
If Israel was not there, there would be at least ONE weapons grade reactor in Iraq.
Iraq wants more oil resources (they invaded Kuwait for them). Iraq hates the US. If Iraq grabbed the oil, it would cut off the supply to the US.
This is an example of why the US funds Israel so the US will have access to oil in the Mid-East.
I don't think you'll bother to respond to anything I've said about Uzbekistan. I understand this is new information to you;.