Yeah, well..
Big Science had its appeal, too.
(I got to play with more techno than you could cram into a Pbyte-array.)
It Sure Beat <anything-to-do-with> Bizness and the eternal, daily lying that demands.
(And I was aware, too, of that escape.. every time I had to interact with Biz or its spoiled, greedy lying-bratdroids.)
But I left, early. To own My Own time. Etc.
As did you, finally.
As in the juvenile War Games.. the only way to beat the Biz-mentality, now permeating every aspect of this solipsistic, sanctimonious Hypoc-racy is,
Not to Play.
Fun, ain't it?
(Maybe things like Khan Academy can salvage a few from the Eloi-mob; maybe not.) Certainly I have no 'solutions' to a differential equation with n+1 variables
--nor will I believe anyone who claims such. George Boole, alone won't save these Yahoos. Most-all remain in Denial.
Ignore 'them'. The whines shall increase as the Entitlements evanesce, one by one. Will Shakespeare, where are you when we Need you?