I don't think I can be confused as someone who has ever supported Dick Cheney or any of his policy positions. But IMO it is ridiculous to suggest that anyone's perspective must be summarily dismissed merely because the person drew a parallel between Cheney and Obama. I do not recall Dick Cheney (as evil a bastard as he is) ever formally declaring it right and proper that he, and he alone, possessed a Constitutional right to kill anyone he saw fit. If he did, I missed it. Can you point me to a place where that occurred? If not, then I put it to you that it is not "trolling" to suggest that Obama is as bad, if not worse than Dick Cheney. For, if Obama genuinely believes he has a right to kill you if he wants to, then the differences in other policies don't matter much, do they? I do not now, nor will I ever want a homicidal maniac making any decisions on my behalf, thankyouverymuch.