Can you answer the questions? Are you capable of answering?
Do you know what the word "answer" means?
Answer to the final point. Do you think we would be having this debate >right now< if Israel did not exist?
Thanks, Bill.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, once again, Mr. Patient has demonstrated his inability to recall anything that happened two or more posts earlier.
Go back and read the thread, Bill.
Something about Saudi's.
Why? Because of oil.
You said we had more oil than they do.
I pointed out the having is not the same as having available for use.
I also pointed out that this is a matter of national security.
Then you started discussing national security and oil prices and how we didn't lose many people during any of the wars we fought there. Not to mention the questions you asked about mythical wealthy fanatics and mythical resources controlled by "enemy" states.
and so on and so forth.
Answer to the final point. Do you think we would be having this debate >right now< if Israel did not exist?
You mean about our national security being at risk because we're dependant upon oil controlled by states that are NOT overly friendly to the US?
Well, that discussion would still be going on.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
In the real world they call this >root cause<.
Good. You've learned a term. And the "root cause" is our addiction to their oil.
That's right. There is NOTHING about Israel in that statement.
But you won't see it that way, will you?
Try reading the thread, for the first time.
Regardless of what is said in 15 minute video snippits. Regardless of what the man at the top says. What is the position that drives the support? WDTHASM?
And I'm sure that paragraph made some sense to you when you typed it.
Don't play dumb.
Bill. The problem is on your end. Not mine. You only see it as "dumb" because you can't remember anything two or more posts earlier. Read the thread again, for the first time.
The oil is there.
Congratulations. You've managed to recognize ONE fact in this reality.
If we didn't buy it...someone else would...and in fact...they do.
Bzzzzzttttt!!!!!! And there was so much hope that you could manage TWO facts in a ROW. I guess not.
You see, Bill, if we didn't buy the oil, they would not pump as much. That means they would not sell as much. That means they would have less money from the sales.
You DO understand basic sales, right? You sell X items at Y price and make XY dollars.
So, we have X items, minus what we would normally buy (call it Z) which results in........
(X-Z)Y dollars.
Now, my point is that....
(X-Z)Y dollars is LESS than XY dollars.
Which means fewer dollars for their fanatics.
Which sounds to me like a "good thing".
Your mileage may vary.
Just as much or more combined purchases than the US.
(X-Z)Y dollars is LESS than XY dollars.
Deal with it.
So with or without the US there would be massive amounts of money in the region.
(X-Z)Y dollars is LESS than XY dollars.
I guess that depends upon how you define "massive amounts of money".
I'm saying there will be less money there without our purchases than with our purchases.
I'm saying that our national security would not have the hole it does if we did not import the fuel.
Less money in that region means less funding for extremist terrorists.
Go ahead and argue against that logic.
You will, of course not, notice that I am not refering to Israel at all in that statement.
Money is not the root cause.
Oil is not the root cause.
That leaves...
Bill, just because YOU say so do not MAKE it so.
Oil >IS< the root cause.
More specifically, our addiction to their oil.
Which means that our money is transfered to them.
Which means that their extremists are extremely well funded by our purchases.