You seem to be arguing that it'll be like post-1964. I don't see it.
After Goldwater imploded, the Republicans had Nixon to turn to, and he had moderate/liberal Rs in the House and Senate to work with. Goldwater didn't take the whole party with him. Who would pick up the pieces if Obama wins 49 states, takes back the House, and gets 65 votes in the Senate in 2012? They're all teabaggers now. Or at least pretending to be.
(Not that that can happen. There are only 10 R seats up for grabs and the Ds getting all of them would only give them 63 votes. Unless a few Rs change to Ds, and that has happened but it's rare...)
Seriously, you think it's possible for them to recover after a blowout in only 4 years? Nixon made it because the Democrats imploded (Vietnam, etc.). Unless the Ds don't groom someone to take over after Obama, it's hard to see that happening (at this point).
Who knows...