Post #333,756
10/6/10 11:05:19 AM

But was that actually a 9/11 effect?
BeeP argues that 9/11 did too have a significant effect on the economy: international passenger commerce (think tourism) took 8 years to recover. Sure, but "recover" from what -- 9/11, or Security Fascism / Security Theatre? Still arguably Bush's (and his gang's) fault, rather than Osama's (and his gang's).
(And no, before you even try it, that's NOT the same thing. Cooler heads said as early as, at a guess, 9/12, that the whole sorry Homeland Spectacle was unnecessary, counter-productive, and self-defeating.)
Christian R. Conrad
Same old username (as above), same old GMail.
Post #334,042
10/12/10 2:10:35 AM

Can bin-L claim credit for predicting That overreaction, too
(Although making the whole nonsense so reminiscent of Fatherland___ -- that must have been a real bonus.)
But as a pure Econ War-as-Bizness calculation:
How to calculate bin-L's R.O.I. of a few hundred thou $US expenditure ... daunting.
Cost of all the warz to date, cost of Ill-Will generated to extent of numberless fresh young jihadists seeking immolation? and so much more.
OK -- surely at least a Billion:One ROI, is my guesstimate,
(unless one wants to credit bin-L of also factoring-in: that our National Hubris has imploded the entire fucking Empire; then, it's maybe more like a Trillion:One ?)
Post #334,087
10/12/10 8:49:17 AM

Re: Can bin-L claim credit for predicting That overreaction,
yes, a tremendous amount of stock in the magnitudes of billions was sold short just before 9/11 heavily in the airline sector
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Post #334,126
10/12/10 4:01:44 PM

As much as St. Ronnie can claim victory over the USSR.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
Post #334,132
10/12/10 6:24:24 PM

Pithy.. yeah, like That.
I could almost see voting for Palin in 2012 on the grounds that this sorry ratfucking excuse for a republic, this savage, smirking, predatory empire deserves her. Bring on the Rapture, motherfuckers!
-- via RC
Post #334,160
10/13/10 6:22:55 AM
10/13/10 6:25:40 AM

Oh c'mon
As much as I hated the bastard (really, when he went into forgetful old man mode, I just wanted to string him up), he really had a huge effect.
Make people believe it is better, and shazaam, it's better. And he (ok, yeah, many moments leading to that moment, but he pushed it) bankrupted the soviets, which you may not have liked, but it worked for us.
Before that point, the US lived in a shadow of Russian nukes. Any kids growing up before that should be able to remember the deep gut level fear, programmed in, and that phrase should be enough to trigger it. After that moment, poof.
Talk to kids today and see if their mind set is shaped by nukes falling out of the sky. Nope.
I think that's a good thing, and I think uncle Ronnie was a strong piece of it.
On the family level, we had many arguments over him. My dad loved him. At dinner one night, he said: Say what you will, but all my kids have jobs right now.
A few years later, he wasn't in such close agreement. My dad thought he paid too little in taxes based on RR's tax cuts. My dad was an accountant. He NEVER thought he paid too little in taxes. He fought the IRS for years for his clients. He loved it. He was good at it. And then he became a soda company executive.
He though RR's tax strategy was going to do serious harm to the country, even though it was beneficial to him, and it was wrong.

Edited by crazy
Oct. 13, 2010, 06:25:40 AM EDT
Post #334,168
10/13/10 7:25:20 AM

Huge effect is one way of phrasing it, I suppose.
He inherited a country that was a world class lender and passed on a country that was a world class debtor. As I recall, he was the beginning of the "we don't have to make stuff, just money" POV. I tend to regard him as the beginning of the end.
Just my two remaining pennies...
Post #334,174
10/13/10 7:49:26 AM

And now you've spent them thar pennies...
Did you make copies of them?
Post #334,175
10/13/10 8:04:32 AM

Isn't that what couch cushions are for? Spare change?
Post #334,348
10/15/10 7:14:29 PM

Yeah, happened on his watch
But he didn't even realize it was happening until it was over.
Hell, on 9/10 George W. was still fighting the USSR.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)